M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Tuesday, 3 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Aleksander Krasiński; Aleksander Zieliński; Antoni Rożnowski; army expansion; border defense; border voivodeships; Constitution of 1775; Constitution of 1776; countering peasant revolts; deputy from Chernihiv; deputy from Poznań; emphytéôtes; emphyteuses; expectants; general confederation; glory of rulers; Gniezno; Hieronim Sanguszko; Ignacy Wybranowski; Ignacy Zakrzewski; internal peace of the state; Jan Krasiński; Jan Suchorzewski; Józef Bońkowski; Józef Mierzejewski; Kajetan Miączyński; Kalisz; Kazimierz Wężyk-Rudzki; laurels; law; Lublin; lustrations; Marcin Ledóchowski; Marshal of the Sejm; Michał Radziwiłł; military commission; military reform; Nur; oppression of subjects; Paweł Skorzewski; Płock; Podlasie; Podolia; Prince Sanguszko; project of perpetual taxes; reports from Ukrainian commands; royal estates; Sandomierz taxes; Stanisław Krasicki; Stanisław Małachowski; Stanisław Potocki; starost rights; Tadeusz Kościałkowski; tax project; Ułanów starost; Volhynia; Wojciech Świętosławski;

Thursday, 5 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: accusations against the Sejm's activities in 1775; calls for punishment of unworthy citizens; citizens' plans and expectations; confederation of the Sejm; conversion of starosties into inheritances and a quarter in kind; debate about taxation of starosties; discussion about expectancies; economic obligations; effectiveness of Sejm's decrees; equitable division of burdens; formation of the tax; importance of time for Sejm decision-making; issue of perpetual taxes; Marshal of the Sejm; ministerial assembly; payment from the expedition; payment of starosties and inheritances; Preparation of actions and taxation; principles of justice and equality; proportionality of incomes and obligations; public treasury's revenues; submission of proposals and legislative projects; suspension of the session.; tax projects; taxation strategies; zeal in defending private property;

Friday, 6 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Emphyteusis and lease rights; International relations; Land property and stewardships; Legislation and legal regulations; Public treasury savings; Revenues of the Commonwealth; Sessions of the Sejm; Taxation and economy; Voting and legislative proposals;

Monday, 9 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: National defense and discussion of events from 1775 and 1776; Parliamentary proposals and projects; Recommending the deployment of envoys to Sweden, Denmark, and Saxony; Taxation of the clergy; Taxes and regulation concerning the military;

Tuesday, 10 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Address by Priest Maciej Garnysz, Deputy Minister of the Chancellery of Poland-Ukraine; Consideration of the tax project; Deputies' complaints and defense of honor; Discussion on the response to the Russian envoy, Otto Stackelberg; Interpellations by Deputy Wojciech Suchodolski; Military promotions and confederation actions; Military reports and actions at the borders; Minister's response to deputies' accusations; Session of March 10, 1789; Speech by King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Suspension of the Sejm session by Marshal Stanisław Małachowski;

Thursday, 12 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Accusations against Szczęsny Potocki, Crown Artillery General; Clergy Income Classification Proposals; Clergy Tax Burden; Commissions to settle disputes between starostas and cities; Discussions on the letter to General Potocki; Financial Offering from the Clergy; Methods for Abolishing Church Accises; Sejm Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Sejm Session; Tax Proposal No. 5; Vice-Minister of Internal Affairs for Lithuania-Belarus Ignacy Potocki;

Friday, 13 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Education and monasteries engaged in teaching; Ensuring freedom for Poles and fair tax distribution; Funding of the army and state defense; Land taxes and tithes; Protection of Church rights; Protection of property and assurance of financial security; Recognition of contributions and personal recommendations; Tax burden on the nobility; Tax system reform and charitable subsidies; Taxation of the clergy;

Saturday, 14 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: clergy's influence on politics; Confederation of Poland-Ukraine; consent to the clergy's contribution to state finances; discussions on the clergy and charitable subsidy; drafting legislation; forming legal propositions; Great Sejm 1789-1792; obligations of different estates to the national treasury; role and impact of the senate; tax issues and confiscation of ecclesiastical property; voting and agreements in the Sejm;

Tuesday, 17 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: conclusion of discussions on clerical taxation; defense of property and virtue; inspection of ecclesiastical properties; loss of time and agreement on the law; nominations to bishoprics; percentage of the clergy's income; petition to the Holy Father; Poland-Ukraine Confederation; Stanisław Małachowski, Marshal of the Sejm; taxation of ecclesiastical properties;

Thursday, 19 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Clergy income; Educational activities of religious orders; Educational and charitable initiatives; Educational Commission; Funds for the Krakow Academy; Income of monasteries and parishes; Land tax for clergy; Legislative bill; Tax for poor monasteries; Time wasting in discussions;

Friday, 20 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: conferences with the Episcopal Collegium; Constitution; Crown and Lithuanian Treasury; education of priests; establishment of land taxes; imperial donations and financial arrears; income of vicars; legislative proposal; military establishment; monasteries and handcraft; subsidium charitativum; tax exemption for religious congregations;

Monday, 23 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: financial structure for education; financial support for the Krakow Academy and other seminaries; income from ecclesiastical properties; losses from the Cordons; Luck Spiritual Seminary; military fund; parliamentary deliberations; project to tax the clergy; royal authority; taxes;

Tuesday, 24 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Amendments to the Legal Project; Consensus of the Sejm on Provisions; Decisions on Taxation and Military; Detailed Review of the Project; Discussions on Borderlands Properties; Issues of Parishes, Prebends, and Altars; Legislative Project; Preventing Prolonged Deliberations; Priest Kasper Cieciszowski - Senator Bishop of Kiev; Stanisław Małachowski - Marshal of the Sejm;

Thursday, 26 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Civil-Military Courts; Knights of Malta; land taxes; Marshal of the Sejm; military; peasant uprising; resolution to maintain a hundred thousand-strong army; Sejm unanimity; speech by King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Tax Project;

Friday, 27 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Delegates to the Treasury Commission; Dissident clergy tax proposal; Donation from King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Land tax; Marshal of the Sejm and Crown Confederation; Peasant uprising and tax burdens; Proposal and penalties for tax abuse; Proposal regarding diplomats; Revenues from Indigene and Abbeys; Session adjournment;

Monday, 30 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: defense of personal freedom; defense of subjects; freedom and rights of the people; military recruitment project; punishment for abusing heirs; rebellion of the subjects; tax burdens; Treasury Commissions;

Act published 40

Topics: Customs Revenue; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Military Augmentation; Republic's Needs; Royal Cities: Grodno and Brest; Royal Sacrifice; Royal Table Revenues; Treasury Administration;

Tuesday, 31 March 1789

Report from the session

Topics: address by Senator Janusz Czetwertyński; adjournment of the session; army funding projects; contracts of the city of Dubno; fiscal burdens for cities; opening of the Sejm session; patriotic sacrifices by ministers; Prince Stanisław Poniatowski's tax proposal; project for Jews and a small town outside city gates; Prussian King's neutrality in the current political scenario; state of Ruthenian voivodeships; tax reform; tax reform in the context of regional disparities; taxes for military upkeep; vacancy of the Krakow bishopric;

Baza danych na stronach to drobny wycinek Wielkiej genealogii Minakowskiego, sięgającej średniowiecza, zawierającej ponad 1.200.000 osób nawzajem skoligaconych, w tym znaczną część sławnych Polaków wszystkich epok; więcej na ten temat na .
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Serwisowi patronuje Stowarzyszenie Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego, działające pod patronatem Marszałka Sejmu RP.

Znani: literaci, malarze, muzycy, aktorzy, dziennikarze, odkrywcy, historycy, wojskowi, filozofowie, ludzie Kościoła, prawnicy, politycy: przedrozbiorowi, dziewiętnastowieczni, przedwojenni, powojenni, współcześni, parlamentarzyści II i III RP oraz PRL, uczeni (członkowie akademii nauk): nauk społecznych, nauk biologicznych, nauk ścisłych, nauk technicznych, nauk rolniczo-leśnych, nauk medycznych, nauk o ziemi

Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 09.09.2024.
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