M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Monday, 13 July 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Adoption of taxes and funding of the army; Confederation of the Lithuanian Marshals; Crown Treasury Commission; Debate on foreign policy and relations with Russia; Deputy Minister of the Chancellery of Lithuania and Belarus Joachim Chreptowicz; Draft Recommendation of the Military Commission; Foreign Affairs Delegation; Garrison at Kamieniec Podolski and the Fortress of Khotyn; Great Sejm; Health of King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Ministers and their dispatches;

Tuesday, 14 July 1789

No deliberations

Act published 71

Topics: arms and swords; cavalry; Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania; constitution of July 14, 1789; field regiments; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; infantry; Military commission's directive; military establishment; Sejm (Polish-Lithuanian parliament); Treasury Commission;

Act published 72

Topics: Accusation; Bonaventura Klityński; Charge; Constitution; Forgery of document; Marshals of the two nations; National instigators; Sejm courts;

Friday, 17 July 1789

Report from the session

Topics: 1789 Sejm session; deputies' speeches; Duchy of Siewierz; funds of the Krakow bishopric; marshal of the Sejm's addresses; military fund; principles of property; Sejm proceedings; Sejm sessions; tax proposals; tenth grosz tax project;

Saturday, 18 July 1789

No deliberations

Act published 73

Topics: Bielsk land; captain of the Crown forces; commissioners; cup-bearer's assistant; deputy urban judge; deputy voivode; ensign; frontier recorder; huntmaster; land recorder; Podlaskie voivodeship; regent; royal chamberlain; senator; sword-bearer; town delegate; under-cupbearer;

Monday, 20 July 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Anni Gratiae; constitution; episcopal funds; income of the Krakow bishopric; interaction with the Holy See's nuncio; national prosperity; piety and religious fervor; response to the nuncio's note; Sejm proceedings; Subsidium Charitativum;

Tuesday, 21 July 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Address by the Marshal of the Sejm; Church reform and ecclesiastical hierarchy; Claims of the clergy; Defense of the freedom and independence of the Commonwealth; Episcopal excellencies and their duties; Fund for the military; Issue of income for the Bishop of Krakow; Sejm order and procedures;

Thursday, 23 July 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Appointment of bishops and throne privileges; Consent to the appointment of bishops; Exclusion of individual deputies' projects and their motivations; Expression of outrage against foreign intrigues and honoring deserving men; Funding for the military and internal expenses; Issue of equalizing income of bishoprics in the context of country and public interest; Parliamentary session procedures and speakers' addresses; Past of the parliament and consequences of decisions from previous years; Polish-Prussian relations and state management examples; Principles of natural law and mutual respect; Role of the people and law in the context of freedom; Suspension of parliamentary sessions and proposal to extend their duration; Thanks to the king for the appointment of bishops; Triumph of enthusiasm over fear;

Friday, 24 July 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Aleksander Zieliński; Antoni Okęcki; apostolic nuncio; bishopric collection project; bishops; bishops' revenues; Church; clergy funds; convention; Feliks Łubieński; Ignacy Wybranowski; jurisdictions; Kazimierz Cieciszowski; Łuków Castellan Senator Jacek Jezierski; marshal's speech; Onufry Morski; parliamentary group; Płock chapter; Sejm session; Sejm session time; Seweryn Potocki; speech by Jacek Jezierski; Stanisław August Poniatowski; Stanisław Małachowski; Stanisław Potocki; Tadeusz Matuszewicz; Wojciech Suchodolski;

Saturday, 25 July 1789

No deliberations

Act published 74

Topics: commissions for finding the tenth grosz offering; division of voivodeships, lands, and counties; fixed plots; hearth tax; land surveying; landowners; Lublin Voivodeship; Podlaskie Voivodeship; support of the Commonwealth's treasury; tax obligations; two sets of commissioners;

Act published 75

Topics: bell foundry; bombs; cannonballs; craftsmen; Crown Treasury; inspector; Krakow Bishopric forge; military and economic factories; Military Commission Recommendation; military material production; mortars; newspapers; officers; sabers; weapons;

Monday, 27 July 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Draft laws; Great Sejm; Hetman offices; Military budget; National defense; Public revenues; Royal guard issue; Royal speeches and statements; Senatorial rights; Taxes; Treasures of the Commonwealth of Both Nations;

Act published 76

Topics: holy days; king; legislation; parliamentary sessions; parliamentary work; seals (seal keepers); sejm (parliamentary) time; sejm sessions; session days; voting;

Act published 77

Topics: Bishop Residences; Bishop Salaries; Charitable Subsidy; Incomes and Profits; Leasing of Estates; Military Fund; Military Pay; Monasteries and Dioceses; Public Revenues; Revenues from the Cracow Bishopric and Siewierz Principality; Royal Treasury Commission of the Commonwealth;

Tuesday, 28 July 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Considerations on defense needs and effectiveness of military command.; Debate on maintaining hetmans' szeff salary; Debate on reducing the pensions of hetmans; Leveling hetmans' remuneration with other countries; Position of hetmans in the military and political structure of the Commonwealth; Proposals for changes in the election of hetmans; Reform of the remuneration system and prerogatives of hetmans; Speeches and arguments of deputies and senators; State financial situation and military matters; Voting on the maintenance or reduction of hetmans' pensions;

Wednesday, 29 July 1789

No deliberations

Act published 78

Topics: Acquisition of landed properties; Commission of the Treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Confirmation of the convention; Financial agreement; Fryderyk Kabrytt; Karol Szultz; Loan for military needs; Piotr Tepper; Prot Potocki, knight of both Polish orders; Wilhelm Arndt;

Thursday, 30 July 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Call to the military commission for army inspection and funds for recruitment; Discussion on military officials' salaries; Discussion on military status and its consideration; Issue of maintaining the general inspector position and its salary; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Mention of general inspectors; Objections regarding the lifetime tenure of general inspectors; Speech by Michał Ogiński defending the dignity of the hetmans' offices;

Friday, 31 July 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Criticism of military appointments without proper qualifications; Establishment of a fund for maintaining military inspection; General Inspectors and discussions on their salaries; Marshal of the Sejm and his addresses; Opposition in the Sejm as an incentive for more efficient work; Projects concerning salaries and the abolition of General Inspector positions; Proposals for changes in the appointment process of General Inspectors; Sejm decisions regarding General Inspectors;

Baza danych na stronach to drobny wycinek Wielkiej genealogii Minakowskiego, sięgającej średniowiecza, zawierającej ponad 1.200.000 osób nawzajem skoligaconych, w tym znaczną część sławnych Polaków wszystkich epok; więcej na ten temat na .
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Serwisowi patronuje Stowarzyszenie Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego, działające pod patronatem Marszałka Sejmu RP.

Znani: literaci, malarze, muzycy, aktorzy, dziennikarze, odkrywcy, historycy, wojskowi, filozofowie, ludzie Kościoła, prawnicy, politycy: przedrozbiorowi, dziewiętnastowieczni, przedwojenni, powojenni, współcześni, parlamentarzyści II i III RP oraz PRL, uczeni (członkowie akademii nauk): nauk społecznych, nauk biologicznych, nauk ścisłych, nauk technicznych, nauk rolniczo-leśnych, nauk medycznych, nauk o ziemi

Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 09.09.2024.
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