M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Tuesday, 1 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Considerations on the future of the Crown Guard and the state's military structure; Debates on managing the guards and their role in the state; Dilemmas related to upholding the Convent Pacts and the future of the armed forces; Final decision to maintain the Guard without increasing their numbers; Issues of cavalry funding and forage; Proposals and projects concerning the staffing and functioning of the Guard; Review and discussions on military establishment; Speeches and statements by important political figures;

Thursday, 3 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Guard; Marshal of Sejm; Military Establishment Project; Military Pay; Officer Promotion; Parliamentary Procedures; Public Treasury Contribution; Regiment Chiefs' Rank; Throne and Sejm Guard;

Act published 82

Topics: 1776 constitution; court cavalier regiments; Establishment of the guard of both nations; Grodno battalion; guard regiments; incorporation into the army of the Republic; military commission; oath of allegiance; pacta conventa; royal militia;

Friday, 4 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Challenges in military financing; Confederation of Both Nations; Contributions to the Republic; Debates over regiment chief salaries; Discussion of military establishment; Issue of chiefs and military salaries; Legal status of Hetmanate Chiefs; Marshal of the Sejm; Proposals for regulation of the internal economy of regiments; Reduction of chiefs' pensions; Saving on officer pensions; Saving public treasury;

Monday, 7 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: anniversary of the election of King Stanisław August Poniatowski; future form of government; Great Sejm; homage to the King; kissing the hand of His Royal Majesty; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; project to establish a Deputation for the Arrangement of Government Form; role of ministers in the establishment of the Deputation; speeches of senators and ministers; unanimity of the estates;

Thursday, 10 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Budget and costs for the Vanguard Regiment and artillery; Discussions on the functioning and duties of the leadership and on the payment of salaries; Draft instructions for the envoy to the Danish court; Establishment of a deputation to shape the form of government; Military Commission and General Commissariat; Presentations and proposals by deputies; Proposed changes in the artillery and the military establishment; Reflections on the pernicious influence and equality before the law; Speech by the Sejm Marshal, Stanisław Małachowski;

Act published 83

Topics: cardinal laws; citizen security; constitution; legislation; magistrates; military; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; public revenues; stabilization of state governance;

Friday, 11 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Adoption of the military establishment; Budget and salaries of the Crown Artillery Corps and the Corps of Engineers; Civic donations to the military; Contribution by Prince Karol Radziwiłł for an infantry regiment; Discussion on artillery and its costs; General Commissariat of the military; Great Sejm; Matters related to the Military Commission and the Treasury Commission; Non-execution of the law on arms provisioning; Project for a general commission; Provision of arms to the military by the King of Prussia; Speech by the Marshal of the Sejm; The King of Prussia's act of kindness in providing arms; Waiting for the report from the Order Commission and the deputies;

Monday, 14 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: amendments and revisions to bill proposals; donation of a regiment by Prince Karol Radziwiłł; equipping and arming of troops; fund for the maintenance of the military; Kamieniec Fortress; matters of war-disabled veterans; Military Commission; military financing; officer promotions; recruitment and enlistments; sale of officer commissions;

Tuesday, 15 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Citizen contributions; Civic offering; Donations for military purposes; Form of government; Fund for the military; Maintenance of military discipline; Officer promotion; Public safety; Regiment formation; Sejm Marshal's address;

Thursday, 17 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Complaints about the Military Commission; Confederation of Both Nations; Discussion of the fund for the disabled; Execution of the law on military dress; Fund for the Disabled; Laws and their execution; Military dress; Military drill in Polish; Military recommendations; Project for the needs of the disabled; Qualities of a good citizen; Repair of Kamianets fortifications; Respect for the Constitution.; Savings in the treasury; Sejm work hardships;

Act published 84

Topics: Crown Treasury Battalion; Crown Treasury Commission; Field Regiments; Lithuanian Treasury Banner; Officers and promotions; Pontooniers; Rights and privileges;

Act published 85

Topics: army establishment; artillery; civic sacrifice; infantry regiment; military commission; military funding; Prince Karol Radziwiłł; regiment command; regiment location; uniforms and arms;

Act published 86

Topics: Bracław Voivodeship; Civic offering; Crown Engineers Corps; Deputies; Jan Potocki; Public treasury revenues; Sappers;

Friday, 18 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: diplomatic relations with Turkey; fiscal reforms; fund for invalids; Great Sejm; letter from Selim III; military debate; military uniforms; ordinance of the Military Commission; Stanisław Małachowski; tax project; taxes on foreign drinks;

Monday, 21 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Border Issues; Border Security; Increase in Tap Duties; Military and Finances; Nobility and Land Acquisitions; Relations with the Ottoman Empire; Sale of Galician Lands; Sejm's Actions; Smuggling and Alcohol Trade; Taxes and Excise; Trade Neutrality;

Tuesday, 22 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Case of Captain Napiórkowski and Lieutenant Smoleński; Clemency project for officers; Conditions of consent for parliamentary proposals; Escape of Prince Poniński; Justice versus mercy and compassion; Military Commission; Podolian voivodeship commissions; Privileges and power to pardon by highest authorities; Procedures and legal acts of the Sejm; Proposals for awards and promotions for the command at Hulajpole as well as for Messrs. Rudnicki and Paruszewski; Statement by King Stanisław August Poniatowski;

Wednesday, 23 September 1789

No deliberations

Act published 87

Topics: Customs duties; English beer; Foreign wines; French wine; Hungarian wine; Increase in customs duties on foreign drinks; Italian wine; Revenues of the Commonwealth Treasury; Treasury Commission; Treasury Commission passports;

Act published 88

Topics: auction; charitable subsidy; convention with the Vienna court; Crown Treasury Commission; land taxes; military fund; properties of the border clergy; purchase and sale transactions; right to acquire landed estates; sale of landed properties; serfdom, rents, tributes; survey;

Thursday, 24 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Confirmation of the distribution of sums and tithes; Crown Treasury Commission; Discussion on the allocation of funds; Ecclesiastical tithes; Extension of the deadline for the provincial commissioners; Lustration of property and homes; Marshal of the Sejm; Military fund; Raising sums from the Galician clergy; Resolutions, proposals, and declarations of deputies; Session of the Sejm on September 24, 1789;

Friday, 25 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: activities of the Sejm Marshal; border defense; confiscation of properties of the Archbishop of Polotsk; Crown Treasury Commission; ecclesiastical properties; elections by secret ballot; funds for the army; Great Sejm and Confederation of Both Nations; military promotions; mortgage on treasury revenues; negotiations with Genoa; positions in the staff of the national cavalry; promotion of Tadeusz Kościuszko; property inspection; Roman calendar and Latin rite; tax exemptions;

Act published 89

Topics: act of clemency; Antoni Smoliński; general sejm; Ignacy Napiórkowski; martial court; military commission; petition of deputies; Release of prisoners; royal clemency; strictness of the law;

Act published 90

Topics: companion Stanisław Nelicki; equipment funded by the Republic; governor Józef Hoszowski; Huliaipole; national cavalry; officer rank; rank-and-file; reward; valor;

Act published 91

Topics: Bogumił Rudnicki; Confederated states; Encouragement to serve the Republic; Fusilier regiment; Józef Paruszewski; King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Marshals of the confederation; Military commission; Military promotions; National cavalry; Special proofs of service;

Saturday, 26 September 1789

No deliberations

Act published 92

Topics: Commonwealth of Both Nations; Crown Treasury Commission; Enumeration of sums; Inventory of properties; King Stanislaw August Poniatowski; The most reverend Prince-Primate; Tithes; Vienna Convention;

Act published 93

Topics: audit; clergy in the Russian cordon; Clerical status; ecclesiastical funds; general confederation; implementation deadline; Lithuanian Treasury Commission; management of church properties; parliament (sejm);

Act published 94

Topics: Commission of the Commonwealth Treasury; debts of the Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; hearth and excise taxes; loan in Genoa; marshal's ratification; mortgage of the Commonwealth's debts; revenues of the treasuries of both nations; securing the repayment of debts; state revenues; ten million Polish zlotys;

Act published 95

Topics: arrears interest; Diet of the Commonwealth; double payment penalty; eviction; military fund; monasteries; ordained priests; recorded sums; Treasury Commission; treasury of the Republic;

Monday, 28 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Challenges associated with choosing and promoting officers; Citizens' freedom and responsibility to the homeland; Civic contributions to the military; Debate on the method of forming staff officers; Delegation for Foreign Affairs and trade negotiations; Examples of national pride and meritorious military persons; Identifying candidates for staff officer positions; Marshal of the Sejm and creation of staff officers; Need for a greater number of generals; Recommendations and proposals for individual candidates; Sejm election of military officers;

Tuesday, 29 September 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Debates on the right to award military ranks and grades; Draft law on the nomination of generals; Introduction of a list of recommended candidates for promotions; Issue of establishing a specific date for the nomination of a lieutenant general; Marshal of the Sejm and convening of the conference; Opposition to certain provisions in the draft; Prospect of recruiting an experienced general from abroad; Recommendations for officers; Recommendations to the Military Commission; The King's prerogatives in the nomination process;

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Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 09.09.2024.
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