M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Protokoll der Sitzungen und Akte des Großen Sejms (1788-1792),
übersetzt in die Sprache und Realitäten der im 21. Jahrhundert geborenen Menschen

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Deutche sprache
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Montag, 20 Oktober 1788 « Dienstag, 21 Oktober 1788 » Mittwoch, 22 Oktober 1788

Bericht der Sitzung

Językiem polskiego studenta

W dniu 21 października posiedzenie Parlamentu rozpoczął marszałek Sejmu Pan Stanisław Małachowski, wskazując na ważność zaufania i miłości między narodem a Panem Prezydentem. Wcześniej Pan Prezydent wyraził wdzięczność narodowi za ofiary złożone na obronę Unii, co marszałek wykorzystał jako przykład związku pomiędzy tronem a narodem.

Zwrócił uwagę na konieczność utrzymywania silnej relacji między armią a stanem cywilnym, wzywając do wypracowania metod utrzymania wojska przy zachowaniu przewagi cywilnej.

Zagajenie marszałka dało asumpt do wymiany poglądów i wniosków, przytoczono propozycje dotyczące reformy i komisji wojskowej. Inicjatywa autorstwa Pana Antoniego Giełguda oraz Pana Stanisława Potockiego poddała dalsze poszukiwanie optymalnego modelu sił zbrojnych, tak aby odpowiedzieć na potrzeby Polski-Ukrainy i Litwy-Białorusi.

Wyrażano potrzebę usprawnienia systemu wojskowego oraz zachowania równowagi między liczebnością jazdy i piechoty, co zostało omówione w długiej mowie przez Pana Jana Czetwertyńskiego. Wskazał na znaczenie piechoty w sytuacjach obronnych oraz zaproponował, by wojsko nie wpływało na decyzje cywilne. Dodatkowo zasugerował przywrócenie komisji wojskowych oraz odpowiednie zasoby finansowe i ludzkie.

Podczas obrad poruszono również kwestie dotycz±ce odpowiedniego finansowania armii przez składanie oficjalnych projektów.

W świetle wniosków i projektów przedstawionych przez posłów, Pan Prezydent, mając na uwadze jeszcze nie udoskonalone działania delegacji z sesji prowincjalnych, zawiesił sesję do kolejnego spotkania, aby dać więcej czasu na ich dopracowanie. Następne posiedzenie zaplanowane zostało na piątek na godzinę 11:00.

American student's style

The day’s session was commenced by Speaker Mr. Stanisław Małachowski with the following words:

The bond between the nation's rulers and their subjects is strongest when the people’s love and trust in their leader is evident. Yesterday showcased this bond brilliantly: the nation bringing offerings to its homeland; the President proclaims his paternal gratitude from the throne with heartfelt affection.

Let us give thanks to the Almighty for this day, which has shown a true image of our President and nation. May those envious of our freedom overcome false preconceptions of a free government's actions; where coercion fails, the love of country triumphs. Let the universal trust of the citizens in their President be proof that by giving their fortunes for the country's defense, they aim to enhance the glory of Stanisław Augustus. What you, Mr. President, feel today with a joyful heart, your predecessor, Augustus the Second, perceived with sadness in the year 1017. Supreme authority has gifted you the distinction of this day, giving glory to you and returning to the nation the dignity of its existence. May the sweet memory of this moment soothe any thorns that sometimes penetrate the crowned brows through the immense crowns of glory; even the highest position is not exempt from the caprice of fate.

Speaking of a king united with his nation, allow me, Mr. President, out of justice, to honor him, and even if I were but a transient traveler, not taking pride in being Polish, I must hold him in esteem. Nation! Enslaved by love for your fatherland, guided by the virtue of citizenship, you become a role model today. You have erased the accidentally cast stigma of selfishness; you reveal the sensitivity of your existence, desiring to become what fate intended and what our ancestors obtained for you at the price of their blood.

Your offering honored states is becoming a matter of pride, but its execution with caution will bring glory. Contemplating this great Task more deeply, I recognize that it is not only my official duty to present it but also my civic duty, particularly in these considerations. A significant increase in our armed forces should not overpower the civil state. Your soldier, assured of his pay, should know he is a servant, not a commander. Although, in a republican government, one cannot fully separate civil and military branches, the army should be somewhat detached from civil occupations. The civil state, as the maintainer of the army, should have easy and reliable means of maintaining it in due discipline. Having presented my thoughts on the military, I await further judgments from Your Honorable States on the matter."

Adding to his introduction, he suggested that since the provincial sessions haven’t yet proposed funds for the military or other matters, Project readings regarding yesterday's session could continue and the Congressional sessions be adjourned for several days for detailed scrutiny and to give time to the provincial delegates.

Many Representatives immediately called for a vote.

To which Speaker Mr. Stanisław Małachowski instructed Mr. Jan Łuszczewski, the secretary of Congress to begin reading the Projects.

He read a project titled "Changes and Improvements of the Military Government". Some Representatives requested who offered the recently read Project. Following the Marshals of the Confederation's command, Mr. Jan Łuszczewski announced the signature of Mr. Antoni Giełgud, senator and starost from Samogitia.

He then proceeded to read the second Project announcing the author as Mr. Stanisław Potocki, the Representative from Lublin, titled "Restoration of the Military Commission of Both Nations".

As calls for a vote resumed, the Duke of Czartoryski, Mr. Jan Czartoryski, senator and castellan of Chernihiv, was given the floor and delivered the following speech.

Among the vital objectives that our nation currently embraces, there is none more explicit or visible than the rise of civic spirit, propelled by love and eagerness for the common good of our homeland, as witnessed in the present time bestowed upon us by the Supreme Providence.

We have given undying proof of this heartfelt conviction by unanimously allocating the honorable and regal duty of maintaining the Throne's glory and the defense and security of our homeland's entirety. We, sparing neither ourselves nor our possessions, determined a one-hundred-thousand-strong army. What a grand day! A day worthy of remembrance by posterity! You, noble day, have awakened the nation from its longstanding lethargy, instilling in the hearts of every citizen the desire to reinforce power and throne, gain international confederacy, and cast off age-old subjugation.

The nation has felt, Mr. President, that this moment is most fortunate, witnessing your heart's contentment in unity. What could be more desired or delightful than to see a King and Nation united? You now, Benevolent King, have one hundred thousand hearts the nation has selflessly offered, along with their pledge of life and wealth to you. Read in them the genuine intention that they place their glory on your own.

So, should we reach our desired state of happiness, we strive more diligently and unitedly to actualize our glorious endeavor. Current circumstances advise and undoubtedly urge us to do so.

Having realized the need to expand our forces to a one-hundred-thousand-strong army, it seems to me that we should find the most accessible means to raise and finance this desired army without unduly burdening ourselves. Hence, concerning this matter and aligning with the proposed new establishment of both cavalry and infantry read during our provincial session in West Poland-Ukraine, I can only acknowledge the rightful justice due to the work General Szczęsny Potocki accomplished for the public good, wisely and diligently constituted.

Since the Illustrious Confederated States have not yet decided on this matter, I am honored to present my thoughts on the proposed military establishment to His Royal Majesty and the Illustrious Confederated States of The Union in this manner.]-->

Erwähnte Personen

Janusz Tomasz Czetwertyński, senator kasztelan z Czernihowa (1785-1792) (geneal.); Antoni Giełgud, senator starosta generalny Żmudzi (1783-1795) (geneal.); Tadeusz Lipski, senator kasztelan z Łęczycy (1763-1795) (geneal.); Jan Paweł Łuszczewski, poseł z Sochaczewa od 22.11.1790 (1790-1792), sekretarz sejmu do 22 listopada 1790 (geneal.); Stanisław Małachowski, poseł z Sandomierza (1788-1792), referendarz wielki Polski-Ukrainy, marszałek Sejmu marszałek konfederacji Polski-Ukrainy (geneal.);
Stanisław August Poniatowski, król/prezydent Unii Polski-Ukrainy i Litwy-Białorusi z Łotwą (geneal.); Stanisław Kostka Potocki, poseł z Lublina (1788-1792), podstoli Polski-Ukrainy (geneal.); Stanisław Szczęsny Potocki, poseł z Bracławia (1788-1792), senator wojewoda z Rusi Czerwonej (1782-1788), generał artylerii Polski-Ukrainy, komenderujący dywizją ukraińską (geneal.); Wojciech August Świętosławski, poseł z Wołynia (1788-1792), chorąży z Krzemieńca, podstarosty grodzki z Krzemieńca (geneal.);


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Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 24.06.2024.
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