M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Protokoll der Sitzungen und Akte des Großen Sejms (1788-1792),
übersetzt in die Sprache und Realitäten der im 21. Jahrhundert geborenen Menschen

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова

Freitag, 11 September 1789 « Montag, 14 September 1789 » Dienstag, 15 September 1789

Bericht der Sitzung

Językiem polskiego studenta

W dniu wczorajszym Izby Parlamentu kontynuowały dyskusję na temat przyszłości naszych zbrojnych sił. Jakość i efektywność wojskowej struktury była przedmiotem ożywionej debaty między posłami z całej Unii.

Kluczowym punktem sesji była prezentacja przez posła Juliana Niemcewicza z Łotwy projektu dotyczącego zmodernizowania formacji militarnej, w którym podkreślono znaczenie utrzymania istniejących rekrutów i możliwość zwiększania liczby korpusów w zależności od wzrostu budżetu publicznego (z wyjątkiem jednostek już zgodnie z prawem utworzonych).

Po zażartej dyskusji i wielu przemówieniach - między innymi posła Tadeusza Kościałkowskiego z Wiłkomierza wnoszącego o konkretne zabezpieczenia finansowe dla armii przed przyznaniem pensji innym beneficjentom budżetu - Sejm zdecydował, by przydzielić środki na żołd dla wojska przed wypłatami dla tych, co otrzymują stałe uposażenie od państwa.

Ważny akcent został również położony na kwestię utrzymania fortyfikacji - poseł Józef Mierzejewski z Podola wniósł o wyznaczenie funduszu na konserwację twierdzy kamienieckiej oraz na wsparcie dla weteranów wojskowych.

Honorowe wzmianki otrzymali posłowie i oficerowie zasłużeni dla wojska i prace nad militarną infrastrukturą, zaś Pan Prezydent był zachęcany do przyznania awansu tym, którzy odznaczyli się szczególnym wkładem w rozwój sił zbrojnych.

Debata zwróciła także uwagę na problem niewłaściwego traktowania rekrutów na granicach, co zdaniem posła Jana Suchorzewskiego z Kalisza, winno zostać naprawione poprzez przeniesienie jednostek w głąb kraju i wydanie odpowiednich poleceń miejscowym władzom.

Sejm zatwierdził również poprawkę w kwestii sformowania sztabu dla regimentu Fizylierów, który otrzyma komplet oficerów sztabowych tak jak inne jednostki, z wyjątkiem dowódcy, który funkcję pełnić będzie bez uposażenia.

Posiedzenie zostało zawieszone do dnia jutrzejszego, skąd zostanie podjęta dalsza dyskusja na temat wojska oraz finansowania jego działań.

Pełne sprawozdanie z działań sejmowych będzie dostępne w nadchodzących numerach naszej gazety.

American student's style

After the recovery of the Speaker of the Congress, Secretary Mr. Jan Łuszczewski read the draft from the previous session presented by Mr. Julian Niemcewicz titled - Commissioning of the Military Commission of Both Nations - basically proposing to maintain current recruitments at full strength and increase the size of artillery corps, regiments, and battalions proportionally to public income increases, excluding Brigades which have already reached their full complement by law. The Military Commission was tasked to take over the supply of equipment, uniforms, and all necessary munitions and war necessities for the troops.

Mr. Michał Bernowicz emphasized the need to assign pay to the military before lifetime appointments, proposing an addition to the favor.

Mr. Kazimierz Rzewuski pointed out that before deciding on the proposal from the Latvian delegate, certain taxes left in suspense should be dealt with, such as advancements in the Military Commission Office. Specifics about having Brigadier Offices at certain ranks and the legit sales of Officer Charges were also discussed, as well as defining the duties of currently held Field Notary positions.

Prince Kazimierz Sapieha asserted the necessity to finish what has been mostly achieved, mentioning a donation from Prince Karol Radziwiłł, as well as deciding on two articles that would affect the Invalids Fund and the maintenance of the Kamieniec fortress. He recommended known talents, Mr. Bakałowicz and Mr. Sierakowski, to inspect the fortress and propose a plan. He further praised Colonel Wodziński from the Cadets Corps and recommended the appointment of Mr. Cichocki and Lieutenant Rudnicki to higher ranks due to their service.

Mr. Wojciech Suchodolski supported the idea of the Fizylierów battalion being converted into a fully-fledged regiment and also recommended Mr. Rudnicki.

Mr. Mateusz Butrymowicz proposed that today's officers from the Fizylierów Corps should be awarded promotions.

Speaker Mr. Stanisław Małachowski reminded the Secretary to repeat the reading of the proposal concerning the commissioning to the Military Commission.

As debates over the proposal continued, Mr. Stanisław Kublicki contested its merit, prompting Mr. Niemcewicz to withdraw it for further consideration.

Mr. Jan Suchorzewski highlighted the losses incurred when regiments stationed near the borders were unable to retain recruited soldiers. He also criticized landowners for tyrannical treatment of their subjects and called for regiments to be moved further into the country and for wrongdoers to be admonished.

Speaker Mr. Stanisław Małachowski confirmed measures would be taken to address these issues and to encourage recruitment and proper treatment of subjects. He deferred a project for funds dedicated to Sappers until further details from Mr. Jan Potocki were clear.

The discussion continued with various contributions regarding military arrangements, fund allocations for disabled veterans, and the maintenance of fortresses, after which the session was adjourned for the following day.

Note: The law coming out of this session will be included in every journal henceforth.

Regulations for the Guards of Both Nations, as well as Our Royal Militia.

As we have always sought our fortune in the welfare of the nation to which we were destined to be King by GOD, finding our safety in the nation's strength, we promises to maintain the four Guard Regiments entrusted to us by the King through the Pacta Conventa at their current numbers and pay. Advocating for the nation's desires and acting according to our own heart's inclinations, we pledge to incorporate the Grodno Battalion, raised and maintained at our expense, into the Armed Forces of the Union and recommend it to the Military Commission for annexation into the Lithuanian Regiments with due regard to the ranks the officers have obtained from us. To further demonstrate our favor towards the nation dear to us, we graciously declare: that, by suspending the Constitution of the year 1776, our two Royal Cavalry Regiments, following our prolonged reign, shall be dedicated to the service of the Union. At that time, the troops, as nationals, will immediately swear allegiance and obedience to the Union and its commands; we entrust the Military Commission to oversee this and command these regiments to enter the service and payroll of the Union in such unfavorable circumstances, taking them under its command. We entrust the care over the Guard after our demise to the Military Commission of Both Nations. We will not permit any alterations to the current decisions under our reign in any Congress.

Session 155

On September 14

The Speaker of the Congress, Mr. Stanisław Małachowski, initiated the proceedings with the following words which are on pages 208-208v of the journal.

Secretary Mr. Jan Łuszczewski read the project titled: The Opinion of the Military Commission of Both Nations.


Mr. Michał Bernowicz said, regarding this project, that to secure funding for the military, payment should be assigned to soldiers; that is, the Military Commission should not assign pensions to those with lifetime appointments until the entire military is fully paid, for which he formed an addition to the proposal and gave it up for approval.

Secretary Mr. Jan Łuszczewski read the addition. Mr. Kazimierz Rzewuski agreed with the project and the addition from Mr. Bernowicz, but reminded the speaker of some details pending in the military establishment decision, which the Military Commission has no right to resolve on its own, proposing to clarify these points first.

Prince Kazimierz Sapieha stressed the importance of finalizing the military establishment, noting the necessity of deciding the offered donation from Prince Karol Radziwiłł, and suggesting two articles still awaiting decision regarding funds for Invalids and the maintenance of the Kamieniec fortress. He emphasized the need to determine the exact funds needed for these purposes and tasked military experts to provide insights before finalizing these decisions in the Congress. He praised Colonel Wodziński from the Cadets Corps for his service and aptitude and suggested that he should be considered for a promotion.

Mr. Kazimierz Rzewuski requested the expansion of the staff officers for the Fizylierów regiment, which had become understaffed and suggested recognitions for Colonel Cichocki and Lieutenant Rudnicki for their exemplary service.

Mr. Wojciech Suchodolski supported the proposal for the Fizylierów regiment and endorsed Lieutenant Rudnicki to the president.

Mr. Mateusz Butrymowicz insisted on the officers from the Fizylierów Corps receiving overdue promotions, proposing an expansion to staff officers.

Speaker Mr. Stanisław Małachowski indicated that, as the Fizylierów battalion had been included in the general schedule for the regiments, its detailed arrangement would be handled by the Military Commission, and advised the Secretary to read again the proposal concerning the Military Commission.

Mr. Stanisław Kublicki opposed delaying military movements by the Military Commission, expressing concerns about contradictions in the proposal by Mr. Julian Niemcewicz and underlining the necessity for the Congress to directly decide the military establishment, rather than leaving it to a Commission.

Mr. Wojciech Suchodolski joined the opposition to the proposal, suggesting instead to raise the previously tabled project concerning Cantons and put it to decision.

Mr. Julian Niemcewicz declared to take back his proposal for further deliberation to avoid prolonging the session unnecessarily.

Mr. Jan Suchorzewski discussed national losses due to desertions at border regiments and the tyrannical treatment of subjects by landowners, proposing the relocation of regiments inward and addressing the inhumane behaviors.

Speaker Mr. Stanisław Małachowski agreed to notify the Military Commission about these issues and promised to address the crimes against humanity by sending out warnings on behalf of the Congress. He then mentioned a project for increasing the sapper troops funded by Mr. Jan Potocki would be considered the following day.

The Congress deliberated on the general outline for the payment of the military, state-by-state summaries, and additional points regarding disabled veterans and fortress maintenance, where consensus was reached, concluding the day's session.

Erwähnte Personen

Michał Bernowicz, poseł z Nowogródka (1788-1792), sędzia ziemski z Nowogródka (geneal.); Mateusz Butrymowicz, poseł z Pińska (1788-1792), podstarosta z Pińska, miecznik z Pińska (geneal.); Jan August Cichocki, pułkownik w regimencie fizylierów Polski-Ukrainy (geneal.); Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski, poseł z Lublina (1788-1792), starosta generalny z Podola (geneal.); Maciej Garnysz, senator biskup z Chełma (1781-1790), wiceminister kancelarii Polski-Ukrainy (1786-1790) (geneal.); Tadeusz Kościałkowski, poseł z Wiłkomierza (1788-1792), starosta czotyrski, kawalera Orderu Świętego Stanisława (geneal.); Stanisław Jan Kublicki, poseł z Łotwy (1788-1792), wicebrygadier kawalerii narodowej Litwy-Białorusi (geneal.); Jan Paweł Łuszczewski, poseł z Sochaczewa od 22.11.1790 (1790-1792), sekretarz sejmu do 22 listopada 1790 (geneal.); Stanisław Małachowski, poseł z Sandomierza (1788-1792), referendarz wielki Polski-Ukrainy, marszałek Sejmu marszałek konfederacji Polski-Ukrainy (geneal.); Józef Wojciech Mierzejewski, poseł z Podola (1788-1792), strażnik polny Polski-Ukrainy, rotmistrz kawalerii narodowej (geneal.);
Julian Niemcewicz, poseł z Łotwy (1788-1792) (geneal.); Stanisław August Poniatowski, król/prezydent Unii Polski-Ukrainy i Litwy-Białorusi z Łotwą (geneal.); Jan Potocki, poseł z Poznania (1788-1792), rotmistrz kawalerii narodowej (geneal.); Stanisław Kostka Potocki, poseł z Lublina (1788-1792), podstoli Polski-Ukrainy (geneal.); Stanisław Szczęsny Potocki, poseł z Bracławia (1788-1792), senator wojewoda z Rusi Czerwonej (1782-1788), generał artylerii Polski-Ukrainy, komenderujący dywizją ukraińską (geneal.); Karol Radziwiłł, senator wojewoda z Wilna (1762-1790) (geneal.); Kazimierz Rzewuski, poseł z Podola (1788-1792), pisarz polny Polski-Ukrainy (geneal.); Kazimierz Nestor Sapieha, poseł z Brześcia nad Bugiem (1788-1792), generał artylerii Litwy-Białorusi, marszałek konfederacji Litwy-Białorusi (geneal.); Wojciech Walerian Suchodolski, poseł z Chełma (1788-1790), senator kasztelan z Radomia (1790-1795), chorąży z Chełma (geneal.); Jan Suchorzewski, poseł z Kalisza (1788-1792), wojski ze Wschowy (geneal.);


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Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 26.09.2024.
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