M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Monday, 1 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: Border defense and public safety; Complaints and securing of claims; Military ranks and seniority; Military reforms and parliamentary regulations; Officer patenting; References to military establishments; Royal prerogatives; Sejm constitutions 1789-1792; Sejm sessions and formal matters; Voivodeship militias and project proposals;

Act published 11

Topics: Appellate application; Dissidents; Ensuring public order and safety; Executionis decrees; Judicial enforcement; Legal right to military aid; Military assistance; Military Commission; Penalties for non-compliance with law; Soldiers and commanding officers;

Wednesday, 3 December 1788

No deliberations

Act published 12

Topics: Appointment of officers; Army establishment; Assignations to regimental chests; Military Commission; Military pay; Nominating companions and officers; Regulations for the army; Royal patents; Sejm (Parliament); Voting;

Thursday, 4 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: evacuation of Russian troops; financial sacrifices for public purposes; foresight of dire future consequences; international treaties; king's health; need for national defense; negotiations with neighboring states; prorogation of the parliament; reinforcement of military forces; uncertainty of the nation's future;

Friday, 5 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: additions to legislation; citizenship and fatherland; evacuation of Russian troops; funding of armed forces; Great Sejm and Confederation; His Grace Mr. Marshal; Knight's School; Military Commission; military recruitment; Ministry; National Treasury; nomination of ambassadors to foreign courts; proposed bills and declarations; rights and prerogatives of the throne; Sejm sessions;

Saturday, 6 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: appeal to the States of the Republic; Crown prerogatives; election of Marshal; election of sejm judges; Great Sejm; interregnum period; Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; military affairs handling; Military Commission; military commission crimes; military project; officer patenting; sejm law; willingness to serve in the military;

Act published 13

Topics: completion of matters; confederation; current needs of the Republic; national government; national security; political situation of the country; Sejm prorogation;

Tuesday, 9 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: Adoption of the project for the nomination of ambassadors to foreign courts; Assignations for embassies' expenses; Defense of the prerogatives of the Throne and the Nation; Discussion on the obligations of sending ambassadors and the nomination of individuals as ambassadors; Voting on additions to the project; Wearing of national costumes by ambassadors;

Wednesday, 10 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: bill proposal; Cadet Corps; Constitution; Deputies; Election; examination of magistracies; Military Commission; Ministry; parliamentary debate; penalties; royal prerogatives; Sejm Court; Sejm Marshal;

Thursday, 11 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: Defense of Borders, Confiscation of Property and Punishments for Treachery against the Nation; Deputy Jacek Jezierski and Accusation of Sir Korticelli; Intrigues of the Tribunal; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Military Situation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Necessity of Unity for State Defense and Collaborative Progress; Opposition of Deputies to Foreign Pensions; Parliamentary Proceedings; Public Finances and Corruption; Re-sending an Envoy to Sweden; State of Agriculture in Poland; Work of the Military Commission;

Act published 14

Topics: Assignats; Diplomatic relations; Dispatching envoys to foreign courts; Franciszek Bukaty; Franciszek Ksawery Wojna; Józef Czartoryski; National treasuries; Piotr Potocki; Stanisław Kostka Potocki; Stanisław Szczęsny Potocki;

Friday, 12 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: constitutional article; Great Sejm (Four-Year Sejm); instigator; interpellation regarding military reports, Military Department; Military Commission; Military Commission for Judicial Affairs; military subordination and discipline; official crimes; procedural law; Sejm Court; Sejm Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; taxes and military expenditure financing;

Saturday, 13 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: Adjournment of the Sejm's session until the following day.; Discussions and proposals regarding the location of the Military Commission (Warsaw, Kraków, Radom); Final decision of the Sejm on the location of the Military Commission, adopted by a majority vote - the Commission shall operate where the Sejm is designated; Marshal of the Sejm, Stanisław Małachowski, on serving the nation and the everyday sessions; Proceedings of the Sejm session from Saturday, December 13, 1788; Remarks by Mr. Ludwik Karśnicki, senator and castellan from Wieluń, on the importance of speaking the truth in the presence of the royal throne; Resolution on a request by J.P. Buchholtz, Minister of the King of Prussia, for passports for maintenance work; Speech by Mr. Kajetan Kurdwanowski, deputy from Chernihiv, arguing for the Military Commission to be protected from foreign intrigues and influences and to be located in Radom; Statements by deputies and senators on the above-mentioned topics;

Monday, 15 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: civilian offerings for national defense; dispatching foreign envoys; election of military commissars; funds for embassies; military commission; parliamentary and commissary oath; Sejm reform; vote of thanks for Prince Karol Radziwiłł;

Act published 15

Topics: interregnum; Military Commission; military intervention; offenses of the Military Commission; offensive war; officials' accountability; overstepping of powers; Republic's security; restriction of Sejm freedom; Sejm courts;

Tuesday, 16 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: deputation for foreign affairs; foreign pensions; king's health; Marshal; military matters; oath; offerings; proposals; Sejm; welfare of the Commonwealth;

Wednesday, 17 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: Abolition of positions and discussions on military establishment; Adoption of the militia; Arrival of King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Deputation for foreign expeditions; Designing military ranks and advancement system; Discussions on royal prerogatives in the context of the Military Commission; Education of cadets and pages; Election of Military Commissioners; Ensuring the rank and promotion of military officers; Establishment of taxes; Expression of respect and loyal attitudes toward the throne; Inspections by voivodeships; Military Commission - composition and activity; Need to strengthen military power and seize an opportunity to improve the fate of the Republic.; Offering of His Royal Majesty in terms of national defense; Proposals for amendments to the project of the Military Commission; Salaries of Military Commissioners; Sejm session and the opening speech by Stanisław Małachowski, Marshal of the Sejm; Voting and protesting by individual delegates; Warnings about dangers associated with the influence of military writers;

Act published 16

Topics: Commission protocol; Commissioners; Commissioners' tenure; Military Commission; Sejm; Sejm cities;

Act published 17

Topics: citizens of both nations; confederation; craftsmen; customs officers; Jews; parish clergy; patriotism; provincial chancelleries; treasury commissions; voluntary contributions for the needs of the homeland;

Thursday, 18 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: Concept of a new military administration and the selection of commissioners; Countermeasures to peasant rebellions in Ukraine; Deliberations on a potential limitation of parliament; Excluding senators sitting on commissions from Senate activities while serving; Issue of the Senate's dominance over the knightly estate; Project regarding deputy and senator functions in terms of commission and dikesterium candidacy; Proposal to extend the parliament session for two Sundays; Reminder of the rights of the knightly estate as a legislating nation; Removal of deputies from the candidacy during the performance of their functions; Response to the note on the evacuation of Russian troops; Submission of projects for printing and proposal for approval of project addendums.;

Friday, 19 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: Deputy Elections; Fortragging; Great Sejm; Legislation; Marshal of the Sejm; Military Commission Project; National Guard; Patenting; Royal Prerogatives; Sejm Confederation; Stanisław August Poniatowski;

Act published 18

Topics: Archive of the Republic of Both Nations; Delegate's oath of oversight.; Delegation for drafting instructions for foreign envoys; Election of delegates and seal keepers; Formulating instructions based on the situation and needs of the Republic; Order of supervision over negotiations; Oversight of negotiations with foreign courts; Providing information to the king and the confederated estates;

Saturday, 20 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: Announcement of Elected Deputies; Election of Deputies for Foreign Expeditions; Gratitude to the King; Marshal of the Sejm's Speech; Proposal to Limit Senators' Activity in the Sejm; Session Suspension; Voting Correctness and Ballot Revision; Voting for the Selection of Military Commissaries;

Act published 19

Topics: clerical staff management; commissioners' salaries; Crown provinces and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania provinces; economy; extra expenses; liquidation; Military Commission; military regents; military scribes; secretaries; staffing positions;

Act published 20

Topics: Cadets and Officers; Chiefs and Commanders; Civil-Military Ranks; Foreign Service and Recruitment to the Native Army; Horse and Foot Guards; Military Commission; Military Liquidations; Military Promotion; Nobility in the Army; Sale of Military Ranks;

Monday, 22 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: Deputies' oaths; Duties of the Military Commission; Election of Military Commissioners; Foreign pensions; Marshal of the Lithuanian Confederation Prince Kazimierz Sapieha; Military discipline; Oath of Pan Stanisław Kublicki; Oath of Senator-Bishop Krzysztof Szembek; Sejm Marshal Pan Stanisław Małachowski; Sejm reform;

Tuesday, 23 December 1788

Report from the session

Topics: break in the Sejm sessions for holidays; debate on the Military Commission; discussions and procedures related to military issues; Great Sejm; military oath; Order of Saint Stanislaus; proposals and motions from deputies; speech by Franciszek Branicki; speeches by the Marshal of the Sejm and King Stanisław August Poniatowski; taxes and army funding; Treasury Commission and public finances; vote for Military Commissioners;

Act published 21

Topics: Bishop Senator; Deputies for drafting instructions; Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs; Knighthood; Lithuanian provinces; Major General; Member of Parliament; Ministry; Negotiations with foreign courts; Polish provinces; Senators; Starosts;

Saturday, 27 December 1788

No deliberations

Act published 22

Topics: activity report; Crown Treasury Commission; foreign loans; military needs; taxes;

Act published 23

Topics: contracts and assurances; Crown Treasury Commission; Hetmans; Military Commission of Both Nations; Military Commission's plan; military establishment; military laws and reforms; purchase of rifles; regiments and brigades; Republic's arsenal; shortage of arms; treasury remnant; troop numbers; voluntary contributions.;

Act published 24

Topics: colonel; Crown ensign; Crown Hunter; knightly estate; major general; military commission; pluralitate notorum; senator castellan; senator voivode; starost;

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Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 25.09.2024.
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