M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Tuesday, 2 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Deputation for foreign affairs; Diplomatic notes from Girolamo Lucchesini; Discussion on interest and capital of Jesuit properties – debate led by Mateusz Butrymowicz; Increase in interest rate on capital – proposals and debate; Jan Suchorzewski's stance on Jesuit properties.; Legislation project for establishing extrajudicial courts in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – Adam Czartoryski; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Military revenue – speech by Stanisław Kublicki; Verification of income from Jesuit properties; Walerian Strojnowski's speech on the need for military actions at the border with Russia;

Thursday, 4 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Additional project by Mateusz Butrymowicz; Combating abuse of national property; Educational Fund and property lustration; Four-Year Sejm and legislative reforms; Justice in criminal cases; Knights of the Order of Malta and order obligations; Project entitled “Clarification of the Constitution for the Grand Duchy of Lithuania”; Proposing amendments and parliamentary debate; Sejm constitutions and legal treatment; Taxes and duties from former Jesuit lands;

Friday, 5 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Address by King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Controversies surrounding the figure of Prince Adam Poniński; Debate on civil liberties and the law “Neminem captivabimus”.; Discussion on kadyks and payments associated with royal prerogatives; Document concerning the Knights of Malta; Informers and arrest of the accused before court verdict; Proposals for changes in the judiciary and abuses in election processes; Sejm Marshal - Stanisław Małachowski;

Saturday, 6 June 1789

No deliberations

Act published 52

Topics: education commission; enforcement; heirs and property holders; income from properties; Jesuit properties; payment obligation; Payment to public treasury; provincial commissioners; surplus payment; tenth grosz;

Act published 53

Topics: Administration of justice; Bracław Voivodeship; Castle courts; Confederation; Criminal courts; Criminals; Judges; Kiev Voivodeship; Legal acts; Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Volhynia Voivodeship;

Monday, 8 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Accusations against Prince Adam Poninski; Arguments to protect the family of the accused from disgrace; Case of the diplomats from Courland; Considerations on threats to civic freedom and abuses of power; Controversy surrounding the election of the Sejm Marshal; Debates on penalty and defense for Prince Poninski; Discussion on the law “Neminem captivabimus nisi iure victum”; Issues of security and guard for the accused; Legislation proposal on the Knights of Malta; Requirement for payments from the Knights of Malta to the National Treasury; Reward and punishment allocation by the Sejm; Strengthening the role of the Sejm and the appeal to Divine Providence;

Tuesday, 9 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Commission for arranging military statuses; Events in Europe and around the world; Great Sejm sessions; Method for determining contributions from land and ecclesiastical properties; Military statuses; Private donations to the military; Project regarding the Knights of Malta; Recommendations for officers in foreign armies; Speech of Mr. Piotr Ożarowski; Taxation of the Knights of Malta;

Wednesday, 10 June 1789

No deliberations

Act published 54

Topics: Ecclesiastical properties; Funds for named grants; Knights of Malta; Maltese Commanderies; Military of the Republic; Tax on the Ostrogski properties; Tax revenue from Maltese Order estates;

Act published 55

Topics: Abuse and arbitrariness in the judiciary; Acceleration of criminal justice; Appeal; Boundary disputes; Breach of public peace; Extraterritorial courts; Murders, robberies, arson, assaults; Offender; Rights and safety of citizens; Supreme Tribunal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania;

Friday, 12 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Complaint about persons participating in the Sejm delegation; Discussion of tax project proposals; Discussion on Sejm judges election; Granting commissions the right to definitively resolve issues concerning the tithe; Kaduk project; Law regarding Prince Poninski; Proposal for ratification of the loan convention; Proposal to amend the Sejm journal; Sejm judges election; Taxation of His Majesty's expenses; Verdict unanimously agreed upon;

Saturday, 13 June 1789

No deliberations

Act published 56

Topics: Crown Treasury Commission; establishment of a mortgage; Giovanni Battista Rossi; loan procurement; Piotr Tepper; Prota Potocki; public funds; ratification of contract conditions; revenues of the Commonwealth; ten million Polish zlotys;

Monday, 15 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Address by the Marshal of the Sejm; Contributions to the military from notable individuals; Election of Sejm Courts; Establishment of a tax on vacant estates (kaduks); Increasing the revenue from cities; Indigeneities and nobilitation.; Indigenous status for military officers and stamp duty issues; Matters related to military uniforms and equipment; Project of law regarding tithes;

Tuesday, 16 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Crown and Voivodeship Treasury Commissions; Debates and draft laws; Deputation tasks; Evacuation of Russian depots; Evacuation of Russian troops; Finance and treasury; Loan offer from a foreign widow; Newspaper announcements; Presentation of a note from the Saxon Minister; Sejm session and presence of King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Speech of King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Starosties and their significance for the treasury; State debt;

Wednesday, 17 June 1789

No deliberations

Act published 57

Topics: escheat; establishment of law; hereditary estates; income sum; legal processes; movable property; payment to the treasury; privileges; public treasury revenues; treasury commissions;

Thursday, 18 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: addresses by deputies; controversies regarding the verdict against Prince Poniatowski; discussions on laws and Sejm judges; foreign affairs delegation; inability to make decisions; issues with military and civil commissions; military financing issues; proposal for an adjournment of Sejm sessions; proposals for amendments to the law; Sejm session; speech by Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; taxes and property lustration;

Friday, 19 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Debate on the health of King Stanisław August Poniatowski and the need to adjourn or continue the Sejm session.; Defense of the necessity for religious tolerance and equal treatment of all denominations; Discussion on the state treasury revenue and the necessity to secure it; Drafts of resolutions and their analysis; Issue of raising taxes for dissenters; Issues concerning deputies' sejmiks (local assemblies); Matters of the starostas (administrative office) and their management; Mismanagement of forests; Payment of the Częstochowa garrison and maintenance of fortifications; Position of deputy Wojciech Świętosławski on forestry taxes; Postulate to reform law regarding sejmiks; Presentation of foreign interests by the delegation; Proposals for the inspection of church properties; Review of legislation and decisions related to taxes; Sejm session; Speech by Sejm Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Speeches regarding complaints from the garrison and church interests; Statements by deputy Tadeusz Kościałkowski about starostas;

Act published 58

Topics: Accusations against the Republic; Adam Poniński Case; Court Proceedings; Foreign Pensions and Detrimental Actions Against the State; Improper Exercise of Marshal Office; Law Enforcement Effectiveness; Military Commission; Personal Court Appearance; Sale of Constitutions and Sanctions; Sejm Court;

Act published 59

Topics: confederation; evacuation of troops; export of warehouses; instructions; Kamieniec Podolski; King of Prussia; Marcin Świejkowski; marshals; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Russia;

Saturday, 20 June 1789

Report from the session

Topics: Adjournment of the Sejm; Civic Freedom; Foreign Pensions; Penalizing Judges; Principles of Equality before the Law; Sejm Courts; Speech by Franciszek Żeleński, Senator-Castellan from Biecz; Speech by Stanisław Kublicki, Deputy from Latvia; Speech by Walerian Strojnowski, Deputy from Volhynia; Speech of the Sejm Marshal Stanisław Małachowski;

Monday, 22 June 1789

No deliberations

Act published 60

Topics: confederation of both nations; constitutional oath; list of elected officials; minister of defense; minister of internal affairs; minister of treasury; parliamentary judges; penalties for crimes against the state and treason; representatives of the knighthood; senators;

Act published 61

Topics: church funds; dissenters; ecclesiastical properties; exemptions from payments; Greek Catholics; Payment to the Commonwealth's Treasury; payments for land and spiritual goods; public treasury;

Act published 62

Topics: Law of 1775; Ordinance of the sejm courts; Prohibition of receiving foreign salaries; Repeal of the second article of the constitution; Treason of the homeland;

Act published 63

Topics: exemption from quittance fees; stamped paper; tax commission; tax importancy; warning;

Act published 64

Topics: common revenue; constitutional oaths; payments and guarantees; royal estates; royal forests; starosty inspections; tax security; trade contracts; treasury of both nations; voivodeship commissions;

Act published 65

Topics: boarding school for noble children; duties of cloistered abbots; education of noble youth; exemption from ecclesiastical taxes; Fund approval; hospital for the poor; oversight of the Gniezno voivodeship; property of the cloistered abbey; school in Trzemeszno; taxes on noble estates;

Act published 66

Topics: Civil Protection from Lawsuits; Ecclesiastical Lands; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Land Privileges; Land Section for Sacrifices; Pro hac vice Legal Provision; Royal Lands; Secular Lands; Voivodeship Commissions;

Act published 67

Topics: Act (Constitution) of June 22, 1789; Assigned starosties to the fortress; Crown Treasury Commission; Częstochowa Fortress; Częstochowa Garrison; Granting rights; Maintenance of the garrison; Military Commission; Revenues of starosties; State of the Commonwealth;

Act published 68

Topics: artillery; equipment and uniforms; infantry regiments; military commission of both nations; military corps; military financing; military recruitment; national treasures;

Act published 69

Topics: Commonwealth of Both Nations; county commissions; hearth tax; house inspection; magistrates; population registration; royal cities and villages; table estates; treasury commissions;

Act published 70

Topics: General Post Office; land court; municipal office; oath of loyalty; obedience to the king and estates of the Republic; postal officials; protection against infringement of correspondence; public and private letters; reporting harmful arrangements for the country; security of correspondence;

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Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 24.09.2024.
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