M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Monday, 1 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Acknowledgement of King's donation and call for continuation of reign; Equivalence project and taxes; Income revisions and allowances; Issue of delegation and choice of tax projects; King's example and appeals to bankers; Payments and money circulation; Preparation and funding of the army; Role of Jews in military financing; Sejm Marshal and donations to the public treasury; Tax fairness; Taxable cities and poll taxes;

Tuesday, 2 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Civic Burdens; Confederation Deputation; Contributions of cities and citizens; Great Sejm; Inspections; Jewish Poll Tax; Project of the Collecting Deputation; Royal and Ecclesiastical Cities; Sejm Marshal - Stanisław Małachowski; Taxes and Taxation; Treasury Commission;

Wednesday, 3 March 1790

No deliberations

Act published 127

Topics: artillery; civil-military commissions; military; military commission; military funding; public treasury; recruitment; recruitment regulations; taxes; voivodeships;

Thursday, 4 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: adjournment of the session; Constitutional Deputation; expressions of gratitude to the Nation and Deputies; granary; improvement of warehouses; Marshal of the Confederation of Poland-Ukraine; military commissioner project; military promotions and officers' grievances; Orsha district Sejmik; parliamentary deliberations;

Act published 126

Topics: chimney tax payment; cities; Crown of the Kingdom of Poland; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; local taxes; Offering; provinces; tax law; towns;

Friday, 5 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Bill proposal; Complaints against the military commission; Debates on administration and government commissions; Declaration of Sweden and stance towards Russia; Deputation to the military commission; Deputy Kazimierz Rzewuski and verification of military commission's actions; Information on the embassy in Petersburg; Letter to the Marshal of the Kraków Voivodeship; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Oath of office and oath formula; Parliamentary proposals and projects; Proposal to punish those who accuse others unjustly; Tax legislation projects; Voting proceedings and Sejm decisions;

Monday, 8 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Army savings; Cannon foundry; Deputation for examining the activities of the Military Commission; Domestic factories; Military Commissariat; Military Commission; Military economy; Military reconnaissance; Military uniforms; Treasury expenditures;

Act published 128

Topics: Bielsk land; Brańsk; city of Tykocin; Civil-military commissions; division of commission; place of judgment; Podlaskie voivodeship; royal consent.; sejmiks; terms;

Act published 129

Topics: city of Lelów; civil-military commission; commission maintenance costs; commissioner elections; desolation; jurisdiction transfer; Książ County; Lelów County; Parliamentary resolution; requests of the Kraków Voivodeship; Szczekociny;

Act published 130

Topics: analysis and comparison of offerings and taxes; Appointment of a deputation; deputation oath; equal taxation of voivodeships, lands, and counties; official reports and payments; penalties for non-compliance with instructions; projects for replenishing the treasury; property inspection by treasury commissions; stable and certain incomes; taxes from ecclesiastical properties and royal estates; the tenth grosz from landowners' incomes; transactions and contracts;

Tuesday, 9 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Allocation of uniform production - Cobblers versus the Commissariat; Debates over uniform articles and their delivery; Discussion on the scope of authority and structure of the Commissariat; Invocation of laws and constitutions governing the Sejm; Military Commissariat and treasury savings; Proposals for enhancing national production with regard to military supply.; Regulations on uniforms and supply of military needs; Sejm Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Unsworn deputies; Voting and contentious issues regarding the bill proposal; Work of the Military Commission and its relation to the Commissariat;

Wednesday, 10 March 1790

No deliberations

Act published 131

Topics: both nations; deputation; deputies; establishment of deputation; grievances; knightly estate; military commission; provinces: Lesser Poland, Lithuania, Greater Poland; report to the king and the estates; resolution of grievances; senators;

Thursday, 11 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Commission for the Mines of the Kraków Bishopric; conduct of Sejm sessions; discussion on the laws concerning the National Cavalry; health status of King Stanisław August Poniatowski; legislative bill proposal; Military Commissariat; military uniforms; public treasury savings; Sejm session; supply of materials for Artillery; trade and crafts;

Monday, 15 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: conservation report; Deputation for Foreign Affairs; examination of the Military Commission; foreign matters; international treaties; Jacek Małachowski; king's health; Michał Mniszech; Michał Walewski; Ministry Chancellery of Poland-Ukraine; parliamentary debates; Sejm session; Stanisław Małachowski;

Tuesday, 16 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Composition and functioning of the Commissariat; Financing needs of the State Treasury; Fiscal affairs of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Funding for the Commissariat and the Chancellery; King's health status; Military requisitions and troop provisioning; Need for improvement of legislative projects; Promotion of Józef Bielak to general; Review and oversight of the Military Commission's actions; Significance of parliamentary work for the nation's history; Transparency of rules for the Nobility;

Wednesday, 17 March 1790

No deliberations

Act published 132

Topics: civil-military order commission; control and acceptance of warehouses; Crown Treasury Commission; financing military needs; fund for voivodeship warehouses; grain purchase for warehouses; Recommendation of the Military Commission; requisites for the army; September installment of the fund;

Act published 133

Topics: Lithuanian military; Major General in the Lithuanian army; merits of Józef Bielak; Military commission; officer; promotion; published act;

Act published 134

Topics: camp requisites; cloth for uniforms; commissariat funding; Establishment of military commissariat; financial accountability.; military commission; military equipment and gear; national factories; weapons and ammunition;

Thursday, 18 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Bishop Naruszewicz; confiscation of property; debate on donatives; decision to postpone the issue of donations; Donatyw Project; interpellations and opinions of the deputies; Jan Łuszczewski; justice and property; law of 1775; presence of King Stanisław August Poniatowski; principles of freedom and property security; project regarding ponajywa ch; public faith; Queen's heritage; resistance to taxing certain individuals; royal donations as public goods; senatorial nominations; Session of the Polish-Lithuanian Sejm; Stanisław Małachowski; starosties granted to the king; sum of 1,050,000 zlotys from donors; taxes and financial burdens; transfer of starosties at the 1575 sejm; transformation of starosties into hereditary estates; treasury resources;

Friday, 19 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Donations and endowments from the Sejm of 1775; Justice and constitutions; King and his prerogatives; Proposals and petitions of deputies; Public faith and civil rights; Sejm proceedings; Speeches of deputies; Taxes and treasury; Treasury commissions and ordinations; Voivodships and royal domains;

Monday, 22 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: donor's offering; endowments; financial proposals; Jan Łuszczewski; King Stanisław August Poniatowski; land law; Maciej Garnysz; Marshal of the Sejm; security of the Commonwealth; Stanisław Małachowski;

Tuesday, 23 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Absence of King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Continuation of the overall project; Disclosure of Officers and 65,000 troops; Examination of accused in rebellions; Issuance of ordinances by the Military Commission; Projekt concerning donations; Ratification of rights and privileges of residents; Session chaired by Sejm Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Sorting of Officers; Thirty percent tax on donations;

Friday, 26 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Commissions - judicial proceeding and tribunal deputation; Investigative Deputation - report on rebellions; King's attendance at the session; Legislative project proposals - Sejm deliberations; Lublin Tribunal - case of Prince Adam Poniński; Michał Mniszech - Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland-Ukraine; Podolian Voivodeship - provincial register; Recessive Session - continuation of discussions.; Senator's unconsciousness and oath; Stanisław Małachowski - Marshal of the Sejm;

Saturday, 27 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: defensive alliance; foreign relations; Great Sejm; internal affairs Poland-Ukraine; Investigative Deputation; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Michał Mniszech; parliamentary work; suspension of session; Wilhelm of Habsburg;

Monday, 29 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Defense of Prince Adam Poniński, Polish-Ukrainian Treasury Minister; Defensive alliance with the King of Prussia; Ennoblement project for Mr. Bernard Zabłocki; Interpellation concerning historical events and accountability sharing; Legislative projects regarding translators for the Russian Expedition and ennoblement of Mr. Ignacy Manugiewicz; Memorial addressed to the estates;

Act published 135

Topics: Alliance with Prussia; Authorization of senators and ministers; Defensive treaty; Foreign affairs delegation; Mandates; Marquis Girolamo Lucchesini; Ratification act; Relations with the Berlin court; Representation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Sejm proceedings;

Tuesday, 30 March 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Case of Prince Adam Poniński, Treasury Minister of Poland-Ukraine; Crown Assessorate and judging Weak Registers; Denunciations and accusations of treason against the nation; Donations and Stewardships; Election of an envoy to the Dutch Republic - Michał Ogiński; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski and the work of deputies in examining accusations of rebellions; Nominations and confirmation of assessors; Pause and suspension of Sejm sittings.; Project “Securing Provincial Registers and Matters at the Tribunal”; Setting of gathering places for citizens of Vitebsk Voivodeship;

Wednesday, 31 March 1790

No deliberations

Act published 136

Topics: civic sacrifice; Constitution of 1785; Crown Treasury; Franciszek Branicki; granting of land rights; Józef Poniatowski; payment of thirty groszy per sta; privileges and freedoms for towns and villages; Stanisław Poniatowski; starostas: Białocerkiew, Bohusław, Kaniów, Chmielnicki; tax payments;

Act published 138

Topics: appointment to the translator position; certificate of loyalty; exclusion from document processing; exemption from treasury payment; loyalty of the officer for Russian language affairs; native nobility; nobility honor; Roman Catholic faith; services of Ignacy Manugiewicz;

Act published 139

Topics: Berlin Court; Bernard Zabłocki; Diplomatic Services; Documents; Legation; Multi-Year Service; Nobility; Stamp Duty; Treasury of the Commonwealth;

Act published 140

Topics: Appointment of an envoy; Domestic trade; Dutch States; Foreign Affairs Deputation; Lithuanian Sword Bearer; Michał Ogiński; Political alliances; Treasury expenses;

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Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 24.09.2024.
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