M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Monday, 3 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Address by King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Debates on Treasury revenues and credits; Debates on unjust decrees and privileges; Discussions on the verdict and parliamentary law; Donative Project; Project for establishing a commission to review grants and property exchanges; Proposals for referring matters to the Executive Magistracy; Request for communication with Tax Commissions; Sejm decisions and resolutions; Senator's oath; Specifying time for the Treasury committee; Taxes and tariffs; Treasury and correctional committees;

Tuesday, 4 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Changes and grants of properties; Conclusion of the parliamentary session; Debates on the assessment of exchanges; General reform project; Issue of equivalence of exchanges; Laws established in previous parliamentary sessions; Legislative amendments; Legislative decisions and reforms; Proposals and submission of amendments; Stance of King Stanisław August Poniatowski;

Thursday, 6 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Amendments to the bill; Civil tranquility; Deputy from Brześć nad Bugiem Tadeusz Matuszewicz; Deputy from Czersk Jan Szymanowski; Deputy from Kalisz Jan Suchorzewski; Deputy from Kraków Jan Jordan; Deputy from Latvia Stanisław Kublicki; Deputy from Nura Aleksander Zieliński; Deputy from Pińsk Mateusz Butrymowicz; Deputy from Troki Michał Zaleski; Deputy from Wiłkomierz Tadeusz Kościałkowski; Exchange of properties; Exchange of royal estates; Exchange of starosties; Frauds of the Republic's Treasury; Legislative proposal; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Parliamentary debate; Port in Połagowskie Starosty; Secretary of the Sejm Jan Łuszczewski; Sejm Constitution of 1775; Sejm Constitutions; Sejm propositions; Sejm session; Senator-bishop Ignacy Massalski; Thursday, 6th May 1790; Treasury Commission; Will;

Friday, 7 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: birthday celebrations of King Stanisław August; discussion on the structure and functioning of the sejmiks (local assemblies); government delegation and presentation of the government form project; Great Sejm and constitutional reforms; issue of cardinal laws; Military Commission; military promotion of Mr. Krasicki; noble freedom and state anarchism; the project titled “Warsaw”; transformations in the legal system and judiciary;

Monday, 10 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Cardinal Laws; Deputies' Oaths; Donations; Electoral Freedom; Four-Year Sejm; Government Deputation; Government Form; Parliamentary Proceedings; Sejmiks; Stanisław Małachowski;

Tuesday, 11 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Deputies choosing estates; Deputies to the Provincial Tribunal; Exchange of properties and matters of equivalency; Exchange of towns and villages by landowners; Feudal issues and the law of 1775; Lithuanian Provincial Session and issues of Vitebsk Voivodeship; Marshal of the Sejm and parliamentary procedures; Regular sessions and religious holidays; Submission of legislative proposals and amendments by deputies; Vitebsk Voivodeship and lands seized by Russia;

Act published 145

Topics: deputy assemblies; election of civil-military commissioners; law; legal acts; Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth; Sejm proceedings; Stanisław August Poniatowski; tribunal; Vitebsk Voivodeship;

Friday, 14 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: additional project; Civil Military Commissions; Donatyw Project; exchange of properties; feudal rights; foreign affairs; lenno (fief) stewardships; Marshal of the Sejm; Memorandum of the Cistercians of Sulejów; public order; sowing and drought; sums secured on stewardships and royal lands; Treasury Commissions;

Monday, 17 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: commission for payment of 400,000 zlotys for cubits; complaints and propositions from various deputies; deputation to investigate scandalous actions against Jews; draft law regarding Jews and actions in Potocki Palace; draft law related to cities; inquiry into events involving Jews; military issues and Government Constitution; prorogation of the parliament; queries to the Treasury Commission; release of Prince Czartoryski from diplomatic duties; Stanisław Małachowski and closing of the session;

Act published 146

Topics: Cistercian Order; donation of Basilius Walicki; exchange of property; inheritance; legal provisions; Małe Końskie; Mogielnica; Opoczno county; percentage; Sandomierz chapter; Sandomierz voivodeship; senator voivode; Sulejów Convent; town of Żarnów; urban testimony; villages of Zdyszowice and Siedlec; Woźniki Błogie;

Tuesday, 18 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: auction of the Kraków bishopric properties; consistories and seminaries; Deputacja ad Collegium Episcoporum; division of bishoprics and revenues; ecclesiastical wills; Educational Commission; Józef Ankwicz, senator-castellan of Nowy Sącz; legislative proposal concerning the clergy; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; monastic reform; negotiations with the apostolic nuncio Ferdinand Saluzzo; regulation of ecclesiastical affairs; right to episcopal nominations; rights and privileges of the clergy; secularization of church property;

Thursday, 20 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Alleviacye; Army; Army Financing Project; Brest Litovsk; City's Fall; Confederation; Deputies for Ministries Examination; Law of Podolians; Lithuanian Treasury Commission; Military Commission; Nation; National Law; Public Revenue; Public Revenue Table; Sejm Marshal; Stanisław Małachowski; Treasury Commission;

Act published 137

Topics: Contributions to the public treasury; Exchange of Commonwealth properties; Feudal tenures in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Hereditary Starosties; King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Land ownership; Prince Kazimierz Poniatowski; Prince Michał Radziwiłł; Securities equivalences; Voivodess of Volhynia Antonina Rzewuska;

Act published 147

Topics: Commission of the Crown Treasury; deputation for foreign affairs; diplomatic services; embassy to the Berlin court; gratitude for service; Lithuanian military forces; Prince Józef Czartoryski; Prince Stanisław Jabłonowski; relinquishing of mandate; status of extraordinary and plenipotentiary envoy;

Friday, 21 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Already issued law concerning Telšiai and Połąga districts; Defense of the Nation's electoral rights; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; National defense force and alliances with neighbors; Opinion of King Stanisław August Poniatowski on the Donatives project.; Order of proceedings of the Sejm session; Proposal for the continuation of the Sejm; Proposal on Donatives and Starosties - Michał Zaleski; Regarding the clergy and property auctions; Universal Project proposal - Michał Zaleski;

Tuesday, 25 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Auction of Krakow bishopric properties; Clergy; Division of dioceses; Entitlements for bishops in estates; Great Sejm; Incomes and estates of the clergy; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Officials of the Treasury Commission of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Project of the Universal to the Nation; Project regarding the clergy of both rites; Proposal of the deputy from Podlasie; Salaries of sejm secretaries; Starosties squandered by the Permanent Council;

Wednesday, 26 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: 20 Groszy Duty on Ecclesiastical Properties; Assigning Revenues to Bishops; Auction of Bishopric Estates; Division of Revenues of the Krakow Bishopric; Great Sejm session; Marshal of the Sejm; Regulation Regarding Estate Inventories; Revenues and Losses from the Estates of the Krakow Bishopric and the Duchy of Siewiersk; Seizure of Estates for the Benefit of the State Treasury; Treasury Commission;

Act published 148

Topics: Challenges in tax delivery; Civil-military commission; Duchy of Samogitia; Establishment of land and borough chancelleries; Legal transactions; Scribes of the Rosienieńska repartition; Taxes; Telsze and Połongow districts; Town of Telsze; Transaction registration;

Thursday, 27 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: already established laws; defense of particular ownership; deputation on the Duchy of Siewierz; dominium directum and dominium utile; justice and benefits to the Commonwealth; motions to suspend the session; project concerning the Duchy of Siewierz; property rights and title conferment; revenues of the Duchy of Siewierz; title of the Duke of Siewierz;

Friday, 28 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Apostolic Nuncio; Bishop of Krakow; Collection Deputation; Duchy of Siewierz; Fund Project; Funds for Religious and Educational Purposes; Government Project; Legislative Proposals; Nobility Privileges; Oath Fulfillment; Religion; Sejm Marshal; Sejm session; Treasury Commissions;

Saturday, 29 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Church Reform and Relations with Jews; Collection Deputation Project; Commission Appointment for the Duchy of Siewierz; Episcopal Nominations; Episcopal Revenues and Incomes; Incorporating Part of the Krakow Diocese into the Chelm Diocese; Privileges of Towns in the Duchy of Siewierz; Project on Clergy and Siewierz Nobility; Reviewing Proofs of Nobility Lineage; Taxes and Political Composition;

Monday, 31 May 1790

Report from the session

Topics: bishops' revenues; Chełm Diocese; church reform; clergy project; Duchy of Siewierz; internal affairs; Lithuanian Treasury Commission; Military Commission; public finances; reporting sejmik; riots; Siewierz Commission; Stanisław Małachowski, Marshal of the Confederation; state funds management; Treasury Commission; treasury matters;

Baza danych na stronach to drobny wycinek Wielkiej genealogii Minakowskiego, sięgającej średniowiecza, zawierającej ponad 1.200.000 osób nawzajem skoligaconych, w tym znaczną część sławnych Polaków wszystkich epok; więcej na ten temat na .
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Serwisowi patronuje Stowarzyszenie Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego, działające pod patronatem Marszałka Sejmu RP.

Znani: literaci, malarze, muzycy, aktorzy, dziennikarze, odkrywcy, historycy, wojskowi, filozofowie, ludzie Kościoła, prawnicy, politycy: przedrozbiorowi, dziewiętnastowieczni, przedwojenni, powojenni, współcześni, parlamentarzyści II i III RP oraz PRL, uczeni (członkowie akademii nauk): nauk społecznych, nauk biologicznych, nauk ścisłych, nauk technicznych, nauk rolniczo-leśnych, nauk medycznych, nauk o ziemi

Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 25.09.2024.
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