M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Monday, 12 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Clergy; Marshal of the Sejm; Military Commission; National Cavalry; Organization of the political system of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Proposals for military legislation; Public Treasury; Sejm Session; Sharpshooters and Cossacks; Taxes;

Tuesday, 13 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: activities of the Sejm Marshal; decisions regarding the national cavalry; Delegation for Foreign Affairs; external price policy; financial situation of the army; foreign relations of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; fund-raising project (tax); Great Sejm (Four-Year Sejm); issues with contracts and warehouses; proposal formulation and voting; Sejm session agenda; Treasury Commission of Both Nations;

Thursday, 15 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: army; Coekwiacyjna Deputation; equality in contributions; grain levy; income from proceeds; loss of provinces; Marshal of the Sejm; Military Commission; national calamities; public revenues; salvation of the fatherland; session of the Sejm; tax project; tax proportions; taxation principles; taxes;

Friday, 16 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Compatibility of amendments to main legislative proposals.; Equalization of tax burdens; Financial hardships caused by taxes for farmers; Fiscal-military matters; Military funding; Natural taxation (grain); Oversight of the crown treasury's income and expenses; Proposals of laws and their voting; Taxation of landed estates, table estates, and starosty (seniority) lands; Taxes and levies;

Monday, 19 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Ennoblements; Fiscal responsibility and transparency; Formation of Riflemen and Cossacks corps; Income of the Crown Treasury; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Military expenditures; Military personnel numbers; Project regarding Riflemen and Cossacks; Property rights of clergy and bishoprics; Review of national treasuries;

Act published 161

Topics: Co-equation deputation; Country's security; Establishment of grain silo; Farmers and citizens with landholdings; Military and treasury commissions; Military maintenance fund; Nation's prestige; Nobility.; Royal table estates; Tenth groschen offering;

Tuesday, 20 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Deputation work principles; Episcopal nominations; Inspection of episcopal estates; Secret ennoblement diplomats; Secret Sejm Session; Sovereignty and magistrates; Treasury accounts delegation; Treasury Commission of Both Nations; Treasury Commissioners; Treasury revenues and expenditures;

Thursday, 22 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Bosniaks serving each division general; Economic aspects of cavalry's permanent stationing on the borders; Establishment of a light militia corps; Funding and resources of domestic factories; Introduction of new taxes and state's annual expenditures; Issue of episcopal funds in Courland; Justification for the need of a shooters' corps; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Project concerning the Ruthenian clergy and structuring of dioceses; Project regarding shooters and Cossacks; Proposal for a project on domestic factories, trade, and other economic concerns; Proposal to tax secret diplomats; Recruitment of nobility into the army;

Act published 162

Topics: city of Warsaw; Crown Treasury Commission; proportional tax; resolution; tax refund; town hall session;

Act published 163

Topics: bishops' revenues; Crown Treasury Commission; episcopal rights; financial sum; inventory; perpetual fund; Prince-Bishops of Krakow; treasury estates; treasury payment; villages across the Przemsza river;

Act published 164

Topics: competencies of deputations; deadlines and dates; deputations; examination of national treasuries; expenses; financial reports; new commissioners; reporting; rights and duties; treasury commissioners;

Friday, 23 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Adoption of the Project Enabling the Russian Metropolitan to Sit in the Senate; Arguments Concerning the Needs of the Military and State Treasury; Deputation for National Economy Management, Factory Projects, and the National Bank; Discussions on Ordering Matters and Sejm Projects; Issues Regarding Offices and Titles in Lost Countries; Liturgical Calendar and Potential Unification; Motivations and Arguments of MPs Regarding Projects and Proposals; Necessity of Granting Titles and Senate Seats to Representatives of Various Rites; Ordination of Greek Rite Clergy and Proposal to Admit the Archbishop of Kyiv to the Senate; Organization of the Greek Rite Clergy; Role of the Clergy in the State; Role of the Russian Metropolitan in the Senate and Efforts to Standardize the Calendar; Sejm Marshal's Role and Session Conduct;

Saturday, 24 July 1790

No deliberations

Act published 165

Topics: artillery corps; expenses for weapons and uniforms; field infantry regiments; frugality; Military commission; national factories; pay for soldiers and non-commissioned officers; recruitment of sharpshooters; sharpshooters; treasury commissions;

Act published 166

Topics: Appointment of a delegation for the project; canal digging; civilian needs; establishment of a national bank; establishment of factories; military armament; river cleaning; senators and deputies.; trade assistance; treasury commissioners;

Act published 167

Topics: Agreement proposal; Approval of the king and the estates of the Republic; Catholic religion; Claims of the senator-bishop; District of Pilten; Duchy of Courland; Endowment properties of the bishopric; Sealers of both nations;

Monday, 26 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Bishopric properties; Clergy; Discussion on organizing Greek Catholic dioceses; Discussion on the bishopric; Division of dioceses; Financing the clergy; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Podolia Militia; Project to strengthen Kamieniec Podolski; Proposal for a Senate seat for Priest Tadeusz Rostocki; Sejm;

Tuesday, 27 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Clergy reforms; Debates on law-making; Education and enlightenment of the clergy; Funds for the maintenance of prelates; Greek Catholic clergy; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Protection of rights and privileges of the clergy; Sale of ecclesiastical properties in the Crown and Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Securing funds for seminaries; Seminary for Greek Catholic clergy;

Wednesday, 28 July 1790

No deliberations

Act published 168

Topics: deputies of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; eternal capital security; Inflanty Canon; King Stanisław August Poniatowski; maintenance of priests and mansionary director; Mansionary Fund; national regulations; noble youth education; Priest Walerian Dziurdziewicz; Stwołowice;

Act published 169

Topics: Armenian Rite; clerical education; confederated estate; Holy Father; Kamianets-Podilskyi; King of Poland; Lviv; Missionary Fund; property purchase; Ruthenian Rite;

Act published 170

Topics: Bishop Piotr Bielański; capital allocation; church expenses; establishment of a fund for the church; Greek-Catholic rite; investments in land properties; maintenance of priests; religious needs; St. John's Church in Kamieniec Podolski;

Thursday, 29 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: allegations of irregularities in military regiments; diligence of the nation and striving for institutional improvement; inadequacy of the Tribunals and lack of justice; necessity of tax system reform; need for establishing a military inspection system; project of common courts with Courland; report on the situation in the military and the call for its reading; sale of ecclesiastical properties for the Treasury; submission of projects for consideration;

Act published 152

Topics: Bishop's Revenues; Clergy of the Ruthenian Rite; Division of Dioceses and Establishment of Greek Catholic Dioceses; Ecclesiastical Seminaries and Maintenance Funds; Funds for the Knight's School and Invalids; King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Parliamentary Acts and Publication of Laws; Senate Seat for the Metropolitan of the Ruthenian Rite; Unity with the Roman Church;

Friday, 30 July 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Allegations against officers and military financial management; Debates over military procedures and committees; Discussion on the condition of the army and the need for inspections; Inauguration of session by the Sejm Marshal; Inspection of regiments and the necessity of punishing offenses in the army; Intervention by King Stanisław August Poniatowski in discussions; Proposals for changes in tax systems and management; Report by Kazimierz Rzewuski on the state of the 1st Infantry Regiment;

Saturday, 31 July 1790

No deliberations

Act published 171

Topics: Commonwealth of Both Nations; deficiencies in corps; disorder in the military; inadequacy in the military; investigation of losses; military commission; military service; Sejm (parliament);

Act published 172

Topics: both nations; duties of field writers; enhancement of military status; field writers; Military Commission; military disorder; military improvement; military regulations; republic; Sejm (diet);

Act published 173

Topics: expenditures; former military department; military commission; military needs; October; percept and expensy; protocols; providing explanations; Recommendation for the delegation to examine; Sejm;

Baza danych na stronach to drobny wycinek Wielkiej genealogii Minakowskiego, sięgającej średniowiecza, zawierającej ponad 1.200.000 osób nawzajem skoligaconych, w tym znaczną część sławnych Polaków wszystkich epok; więcej na ten temat na .
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Serwisowi patronuje Stowarzyszenie Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego, działające pod patronatem Marszałka Sejmu RP.

Znani: literaci, malarze, muzycy, aktorzy, dziennikarze, odkrywcy, historycy, wojskowi, filozofowie, ludzie Kościoła, prawnicy, politycy: przedrozbiorowi, dziewiętnastowieczni, przedwojenni, powojenni, współcześni, parlamentarzyści II i III RP oraz PRL, uczeni (członkowie akademii nauk): nauk społecznych, nauk biologicznych, nauk ścisłych, nauk technicznych, nauk rolniczo-leśnych, nauk medycznych, nauk o ziemi

Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 25.09.2024.
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