M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Tuesday, 2 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Absence of the king; Concerns regarding deserting Tatars; Desertion of Russian soldiers; Discussion about the reward for informer Turski; Distribution of deserters in the Republic's regiments; Duties of Mr. Małachowski and Mr. Grocholski; Issue of rewarding Mr. Turski; Merits for the homeland and proposals to honor them; Negligence of national prosecutors; Proposals for rewarding and saving public treasury;

Act published 193

Topics: Confirmation of loan agreement; Convention with de Szmeth, Hoguera Grand, and company; Crown Treasury Commission; Mortgage on incomes from head tax and excise tax; Raising funds in the Netherlands; Ten million Polish zlotys;

Act published 194

Topics: Conclusion of the Sejm; Constitution of 1778; Dates for elective sejmiks; Designation of report sejmiks; Legislative act; Needs of the Commonwealth; Prolongation of the confederation;

Act published 195

Topics: assignments to the Crown Treasury; financial remuneration for work; Jan Łuszczewski; secretary of the Sejm and the confederation; work in the Sejm chancellery;

Thursday, 4 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Decision on the reward for Mr. Turski; Denunciations; Deputy Jan Suchorzewski; Discussions on ennoblement (Mr. Franciszek Barss, Mr. Tomasz Czech); Examination of the nobility and acquisition of nobility emblems; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Ministerial magistracy issues; Number of deputies and sessions of the Sejm; Overbridging matter; Project on ennoblement and rewards; Recommendations for senior ministerial positions; Rewards and honors (Mr. Turski, Mr. Ignacy Potocki); Suspension of Sejm sessions.;

Friday, 5 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Appointment of ministers and nominations; Consideration of projects and nobilitations in the Sejm; Discussion of nobilitation laws and distinguishing merits; Distribution of ministries and vacancies; Nobilitation: Franciszek Barss and Tomasz Czech; Objection to mass nobilitation; Postponement of ministerial assignments until Government Form is developed; Promotion of talents and services to the country; Session closure and planning for future meetings.; Zakroczym characters from A Clockwork Orange;

Monday, 8 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Calls for suspension of parliamentary proceedings; Classification of candidates for nobility (bankers, manufacturers, merchants); Concerns about the low number of deputies and decision-making on significant matters; Ennoblement and grant of nobility; Exceptional cases of resolution to exempt from stamp duty payment; Financial support for military efforts by bankers; Merits of bankers Piotr Tepper, Schultz, and Arndt; Parliamentary recommendations for individuals nominated for nobility; Review of the register of individuals recommended for nobility;

Tuesday, 9 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: addition of new nobles; arguments regarding the importance of factories for the economy; classes in nobility projects; concerns about excessive ennoblement; grants of nobility to military officers, bankers, merchants, and craftsmen; nobility debates; proposal for a separate project for the banker class;

Thursday, 11 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Ennoblement; Establishment and maintenance of factories; Exemption from stamp duty payment; Guidelines for awarding rewards and funds; Indigenate and noble rights; Legislative proposals and reforms; Military affairs and military status; Rehabilitation of office; Rewarding of Danylo Szczerbina; Sejm sessions and parliamentary proceedings;

Act published 196

Topics: Banking and promissory notes; Division of estate; Factories and industry; Indigenate; Noble coat of arms; Noble prerogatives; Patriotism and service to the Commonwealth; Property and inheritance; Rights and privileges of the nobility;

Act published 197

Topics: admission to the nobility; Andrzej Kapostas; benefit to the country; Ennoblement; fee for the diploma of nobility; Filip Tomasz Fribes; Franciszek Laskiewicz; Franciszek Marcin Fribes; Franciszek Moryno; Fryderyk Segebarth; Ignacy Laskiewicz; individuals named below; Jakub Fenger; Jan Karol Fribes; Jan Klug; national chancellery; oath of allegiance to the Republic; opening of banks; Piotr Gotard Fribes; trade; Wincenty Laskiewicz;

Act published 198

Topics: Abuses; Banking law; Bills of exchange; Constitution; Great Sejm; Legal protection; Maciej Łyszkiewicz; Nobility; Nobility privileges; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth;

Act published 199

Topics: acquisition of landed properties; Antoni Zader; coat of arms of nobility; enoblement; factories; fee for nobility diploma stamp; Henryk Münckembeck; industrialists; Jan Zygler; Leon Madziarski; national chancellery; oath of allegiance to the Republic; Paschalis Jakubowicz; Stefan Filsjean; Tomasz Dangl;

Act published 200

Topics: acquisition of landed properties; assessors; certifications; criminal cases; eighteen years of service; extension of deadline; grace of the great crown; marshals' jurisdiction; merits of Szymon Kasperski; nobility; riots;

Act published 201

Topics: admission to nobility; enoblement; Franciszek Barss; Great Sejm; national insignia; national treasury; Polish nobility; public service; Tomasz Czech; waived payments;

Act published 202

Topics: artillery; coat of arms of nobility; Crown Guard; enoblement; land property purchase; landed deputies; legal obligations; military; officers; regiments;

Act published 203

Topics: Admission to nobility; Constitution of the Sejm 1775; Current Sejm Constitution; Diplomatics; Ennoblement; Loyalty to the Republic; National Chancellery; Nobility honor; Oath of allegiance; Polish nobility;

Act published 204

Topics: Augustyn Feliks Gliński; Change of Social Status; Educational Commission; Ennoblement; Józef Malewicz; Public Service; Restoration of Nobility; Revolution in the Commonwealth; Service to the National Treasury; Tomasz Malewicz;

Act published 205

Topics: Admission of citizens; Counts; Crown Chancellery; Diploma issuance fee; Great Sejm; Indigenate; Nobility rights; Oath of allegiance to the Republic; Seal of both nations;

Act published 206

Topics: brigadier; colonel; Commonwealth of Both Nations; diplomas; director of the crown artillery school; general staff chief surgeon; indigenate; loyalty; military personnel; military services; national chancellery;

Act published 207

Topics: Count de Schall; Fee for Indigenate; Four-Year Sejm; Indigenate; Indigenate Diploma; Law on Indigenate; Noble Privileges; Oath of Allegiance to the Republic; Polish Nobility; Seal of Both Nations;

Act published 208

Topics: indigenate; legal obligation; national chancellery; nobleman's diploma; oath of allegiance to the Commonwealth; offspring; Polish nobility; proof of lineage; Sejm (parliament);

Act published 209

Topics: Agriculture; Certificate of nobility; Ennoblement; Individuals admitted to nobility; National Chancellery; Oath of allegiance to the Republic; Sciences and liberal arts; Sejm (Parliament); Stamp duty; Trade;

Act published 210

Topics: ataman of the Kornin Cossacks; Daniel Szczerbina; grant of land; incentive for loyalty; livelihood fund; nobility; noble privileges and freedoms; noble title; Reward for loyalty; treasury commission;

Act published 211

Topics: acquisition of land property; chancellery diploma; civic equality; ennoblement; factory establishment; indigenate; nobility honor; seal holders; stamp duty; treasury commissions;

Friday, 12 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: bankers and their contributions to city development; civil service and city administration; committees and legislative proposals; donations to the State Treasury; industry and factories; military and recommendations for ennoblement; nobility and the rights of the nobilitated; stamp duties; trade and economic activity;

Act published 212

Topics: Chancellors; Indigenat; Indigenate Regulations; Legal Conditions; Lieutenant in the French Army; Lineage; Lorrainian Nobleman; Nicolas Antoine de Verny-Géraud; Oath of Allegiance; Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth;

Monday, 15 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Ennoblement and indigenate; Funds and projects; Military Commission; Nobility law; Recommendations; Sejm session; Treasury Commission;

Monday, 22 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Deputy Recommendations; Discussions on Ennoblement; Elimination of Damages and Frauds; Ennoblement; Indigenat; Legal Regulation Projects; Marshal of the Sejm; Sejm Secretariat; Sejm Secretary; Senators and Deputies;

Tuesday, 23 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Educational Commission; Exemption from skartabellat tax; Government and magistracy composition; Necessity of rewarding merits; Noble privilege; Principles of ennoblement; Project regarding national fabrication; Proposals for the organization of the artillery and cavalry; Recommendation of meritorious individuals; Right of recommendation by magistracies; Sejm Marshal; Sejm work order; Treasury Commission;

Thursday, 25 November 1790

No deliberations

Act published 213

Topics: acquisition of land properties; ennoblement act; enoblement; fee for the ennoblement diploma seal; inheritance; land deputies; ministers; national chancery; nobility; oath of allegiance to the Commonwealth; senators;

Act published 214

Topics: certification; civil-military commission; county; Crown Treasury Commission; foreign farming families; indigenate; nobleman de Yerny; settlement; tax exemption;

Act published 215

Topics: civil persons; coat of arms of nobility; facilitating access to the noble class; founding of manufactories; government form; manufacturers; nobilitation; professionals; skills; usefulness to the country; virtues;

Act published 216

Topics: act; Andrew Sartoryusz de Schwannenfel; Crown Treasury Commission; diploma; Ernest Sartorius; fee; indigenate; publication;

Monday, 29 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: addressing military and civil cases; ennoblement; financial burdens of the nobility; financial services to the Republic; grant of nobility; indigenate; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; opposition to ennoblement by deputies; royal declaration on deputies' instructions; Treasury Commission;

Tuesday, 30 November 1790

Report from the session

Topics: bill for the Hospital of the Infant Jesus in Vilnius; criminal and civil procedures; discussions on guilt and punishment of military personnel; exclusion of accused persons from the legislature; Great Sejm; guilt and charges; inspection reports; management of the Military Commission's funds; Military Commission; rights of military and civilians; suspension; transfer of judicial years for the Nowogródek voivodeship;

Act published 217

Topics: ennoblement; Great Sejm; Jan de Owak Minas; Jan Michałowski; legal act of 1790; military service merits; noble equality; procedure implementation; Rehabilitation of nobility; successors;

Act published 218

Topics: granting of Polish nobility; Indigenate for Baron Wilhelm de Minigerode; issuance of diploma by the national chancellery; oath of allegiance to the Republic; obligation to comply with laws; proof of lineage; services to the Republic;

Act published 219

Topics: Commonwealth of Both Nations; Crown Treasury Commission; indigenate; Karol Glave; legal obligations; native citizens; rights of indigenate; stamp duty;

Act published 220

Topics: accusations and conviction; enforcement of regulations; forfeiture of Sejm suspension privilege; judicial procedure; legal responsibility; Military Commission of Both Nations; military disorder; military officers; recruitment and cash accounting; suspension of public functions;

Act published 221

Topics: annual sessions; castellan courts; consent of the estates; court days; descriptions of the form of government; judicial terms; judicial timing reform; King; Nowogródek Voivodeship;

Baza danych na stronach to drobny wycinek Wielkiej genealogii Minakowskiego, sięgającej średniowiecza, zawierającej ponad 1.200.000 osób nawzajem skoligaconych, w tym znaczną część sławnych Polaków wszystkich epok; więcej na ten temat na .
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Serwisowi patronuje Stowarzyszenie Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego, działające pod patronatem Marszałka Sejmu RP.

Znani: literaci, malarze, muzycy, aktorzy, dziennikarze, odkrywcy, historycy, wojskowi, filozofowie, ludzie Kościoła, prawnicy, politycy: przedrozbiorowi, dziewiętnastowieczni, przedwojenni, powojenni, współcześni, parlamentarzyści II i III RP oraz PRL, uczeni (członkowie akademii nauk): nauk społecznych, nauk biologicznych, nauk ścisłych, nauk technicznych, nauk rolniczo-leśnych, nauk medycznych, nauk o ziemi

Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 25.09.2024.
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