M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Thursday, 2 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Basilians fund; Franciszek Grocholski; Great Sejm; hospital fund; justice for citizens; Kazimierz Rzewuski; legislation; Michał Mniszech; parliament work organization; Poland-Ukraine internal reform project; Stanisław Małachowski;

Friday, 3 December 1790

No deliberations

Act published 222

Topics: Administration by the Missionary Priests; Care for poor orphans and abandoned children; Funds and legacies for the hospital; Hospital foundation by Lady Jadwiga Ogińska; Incorporation of other hospitals; Jesus Child Hospital in Vilnius; Property transfer to the Vilnius magistrate; Reporting obligation to the civil-military commission; Royal protection; Supervision by Sisters of Mercy;

Act published 223

Topics: church and monastery foundation; cup-bearers of Brasław county; foundation of the Basilian fathers; foundation of the Sisters of Mercy; free allocation of land; hereditary properties; Kock; parish of the Hermanowicz estate; Siemiatycze;

Monday, 6 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Bill on “Ruga” and duties of deputies; Deputation for the development of the governance project; Ennoblements; Funds and projects for religious institutions; Hospitals and requests for financial support; Legality of deputies and objections; Marshal of the Sejm and his duties; Project for amendments to ecclesiastical funds; Taxes and their fair distribution;

Tuesday, 7 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Approval of the deliberating estates; Confederation of both nations and the signing of acts; Ennoblement of military persons; Fund for the education of the poor; Justification of the right to a seat in the Sejm; Legal objections against deputies; Objections and delegation of matters; Parliamentary elections and legal objections; Privileges of the noble estate; Project for facilitating the entry of deputies; Proposals concerning factories and tax reliefs; Sejm decisions and order of business; Sejm secretary and the reading of projects; Sejm session and legislative projects;

Thursday, 9 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: bridge revenue; exemption from skartabellat; financial support for the Church; legis curiate project; Marshal of the Sejm; military and foundation decisions; Prince Karol Radziwiłł's exequies; Sejm Chamber Order project; Sejm session; state treasury revenue;

Act published 224

Topics: consent of the king; foundation of the Pułtusk hospital; hospital revenues; Mazovian Voivodeship; Priest Krzysztof Szembek; property in the village of Kacice; Sejm of the Commonwealth Confederation; senator bishop of Płock; supervision of the Sisters of Mercy; Zakroczym land;

Act published 225

Topics: charges based on legal conditions; confederation; elections; legal accusations; marshals; objections against deputies; parliamentary sessions; sejm (parliament); sejmik (local assembly) proceedings; signing of the confederation;

Act published 226

Topics: Artillery; Captains; Cavalry Companions; Colonels; Diplomas from the National Chancellery; Ensigns; Lieutenants; Majors; Military Commission; Military Personnel; National Cavalry; Nobilitation; Oath of Allegiance to the Republic; Polish Nobility; Regiments;

Act published 227

Topics: Cadets and sergeants in the Crown regiments; Companions in the Lithuanian cavalry; Ennoblement of military persons; Honor of Polish nobility.; Issuance of diplomas by the national chancellery; Oath of allegiance to the Commonwealth; Prussian army officers; Russian army officers;

Act published 228

Topics: Citizenship grants; Diplomat from the national chancery; Indigenate; Military commission recommendations; Military merits; Military rewards; Officers; Serving the Commonwealth;

Act published 229

Topics: Basilian Fathers; Charitable foundation; Church fund; Greek Catholic parish church; Nowogródek Voivodeship; Parish education; Pastoral care;

Act published 230

Topics: army provisioning; emancipation of the nobility; Fusilier Regiment; legislative acts; military merits; military ranks; Mr. Fryderyk Cronemann; Mr. Jan August Cichocki; Sejm (parliament);

Friday, 10 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Case of Captain Żylło and debts owed to Prince Poniński; Compensation for artisans working on the barracks; Delegation for discussions with Dissidents' Delegates; Discussion on tax regulation and public burdens; Issues of debt and payment to craftsmen.; King's arrival at the Senate; Nominations for deputation to verify accounts for Warsaw Barracks; Prince Karol Radziwiłł's accession to the confederation; Proposal to examine the Permanent Council; Proposals for security of religion and legal principles;

Monday, 13 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Accession to the confederation; Arrival of new deputies; Duties of subjects; Judicial proceedings; Legislative proposals; Marshal of the Sejm; Protection of clerical rights and freedoms; Reform projects; Sejm regulations and procedures; Sejm session; Speeches by King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Taxes;

Act published 231

Topics: Adam Poniński; bridge revenue; craftsmen; creditors; Crown Treasury Commission; servants; successors;

Act published 232

Topics: Alexander Bogusz; Carmelites; maintenance of schools; nobility; perpetual fund; school foundation; Sejm approvals; student boarding house in Bielsk Podlaski; supreme authority supervision; youth education;

Act published 233

Topics: Debts for Warsaw barracks; Financial arrears; Great Sejm; Location Commission; Parliamentary deputation; Permanent Council; Provincial division; Public fund; Senators and delegates; Verification of accounts;

Wednesday, 15 December 1790

No deliberations

Act published 233

Topics: changes and improvements in denominations; church organization; civil liberties; Deputation; ecclesiastical funds.; governmental protection; interests of the Greek-Orientals and dissidents; legislation drafting; prerogatives of estates; regulation of rights and freedoms;

Thursday, 16 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Arbiter's decisions on current affairs; Comparison of Poland's situation with other countries; Confederation and cooperation for the country's good; Deputies' duties and objectives; Legislative work of the Sejm; Military reform and legislation; Minister of the Interior of Poland-Ukraine; Sejm's procedures and recesses; Signing of the Constitution Act; Speech by Marshal Stanisław Małachowski;

Friday, 17 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Address by the Sejm Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and speech by the Marshal of the Lithuanian Confederation, Prince Kazimierz Sapieha; Continuation of the session and matters related to the election of Michał Zenowicz as the Chamberlain of Płock; Discussion on the “bifurcation” of sejmiks and the need for unity in state affairs; Request for the floor by Deputy Jan Zieliński; Signing of the confederation act by new arriving deputies; Suspension of the session until the following day.;

Saturday, 18 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Accusations against Deputies; Arbiters; Confederated States of the Republic; Law; National affairs; Parliamentary activities; Province Voivodeship; Sejm Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Sejm Session; Session; Unpleasant engagements; Unpleasant incidents;

Monday, 20 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Antoni Czetwertyński's thanks to the king; deputies’ oath of the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania; discussion on the treasury and military commissions; Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland-Ukraine on the need for Sejm proceeding order; need to establish a government form; Prince Sapieha's postulates; project of the Sejm proceeding order; reading the project concerning Sejm proceedings; Sejm session agenda; session closing with King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Stanisław Małachowski and session opening; thanks from newly appointed senators and deputies;

Tuesday, 21 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Deputies' proposals for oaths not to accept money from foreign courts; Deputies' views on the significance of oaths and their legal consequences.; Discussion on changes in parliamentary procedures and handling of foreign intrigues; Stanisław Małachowski's speech on unity and care for the common good; Thanks to the King and Marshals for their services;

Thursday, 23 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Assessment of the oath proposal in the context of the legal and moral order; Debate on the oath and parliamentary procedure; Decisions on the election of a successor to the throne during the king's lifetime; Discussion on the Legis Curiate project; Oath of deputies and senators; Proposals to introduce penalties for accepting foreign money; Sejm Order Project; Thanks to the king; Votes on the oath;

Tuesday, 28 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: additional proposals and initiatives of deputies; constitution; decisions on projects; Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Lithuania-Belarus Ignacy Potocki; exchange of arguments; exchange of opinions and proposals; judges for foreign salaries cases; judicial reform; legibus curiatis project of the Małopolska province; legibus curiatis projects; Lithuanian project; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Sejm Chancellery oversight; Sejm session; Sejm sessions; Sejm voting; Sejm's agenda; thanks to the king; voting;

Thursday, 30 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Foreign Matter in Sejm Debates; Lexis Curiatus Project; Organization of Calculators (Tallying Votes); Project Resolution on Foreign Residency; Remarks and Amendments to Projects; Restrictions in Sejm Debates; Rights and Duties of Deputies; Sejm Institutional Activities; Submission and Procedure of Projects; Unanimous Voting and Decision-Making Procedure;

Friday, 31 December 1790

Report from the session

Topics: bill project Legis Curiate; castellan of Łuków; congratulations; deputy bill project; deputy from Kiev; foreign salaries; Great Sejm; King Stanisław August Poniatowski; legal decisions; Lithuanian Confederation; marshals; New Year; publications; report on the state of the army and treasury; Sejm agenda project; Sejm reforms; Sejm session;

Baza danych na stronach to drobny wycinek Wielkiej genealogii Minakowskiego, sięgającej średniowiecza, zawierającej ponad 1.200.000 osób nawzajem skoligaconych, w tym znaczną część sławnych Polaków wszystkich epok; więcej na ten temat na .
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Serwisowi patronuje Stowarzyszenie Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego, działające pod patronatem Marszałka Sejmu RP.

Znani: literaci, malarze, muzycy, aktorzy, dziennikarze, odkrywcy, historycy, wojskowi, filozofowie, ludzie Kościoła, prawnicy, politycy: przedrozbiorowi, dziewiętnastowieczni, przedwojenni, powojenni, współcześni, parlamentarzyści II i III RP oraz PRL, uczeni (członkowie akademii nauk): nauk społecznych, nauk biologicznych, nauk ścisłych, nauk technicznych, nauk rolniczo-leśnych, nauk medycznych, nauk o ziemi

Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 25.09.2024.
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