M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Monday, 2 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Constitutional Deputation; Crown Province; Declaration Projects; Election of Judges; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Judicial Reforms; Judicial Term of Office; Land Courts System; Marshal of the Poland-Ukraine Confederation; Parliamentary Session;

Tuesday, 3 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Constitutional deputation; Constitutional reforms; Legislative bill; Legislative work; Lithuanian Law; Marshal of the Confederation; Parliamentary debates; Provincial sessions; Structure of the Land Courts; Suspension of parliamentary session;

Thursday, 5 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Acceptance of the declaration; Amendments to the declaration; Constitutional Deputation; Declaration regarding the Land Court for the Crown Provinces; Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Sejm Secretary Jan Łuszczewski; Sejm Session; Suspension of the session;

Monday, 9 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Acquisition of landed properties by the Basilian Order of Volodymyr; Declaration of law for land judges with life estates; Declaration project regarding Russian Popowicze; Determination of locations for Land Courts; Establishment of Civil-Military Commissions; Law related to the appellate city of Wschowa;

Tuesday, 10 January 1792

No deliberations

Act published 383

Topics: Authority of Regional Courts; Court Advocates; Court Bailiffs; Court Clerks; Duties of Regional Courts; Judges' Elections; Judges of Regional Courts; Locations of Regional Courts; Oaths of Court Officials; Officials of Regional Courts; Operation of Regional Courts; Regional Courts; Terms of Regional Courts;

Act published 384

Topics: court register; declaration; execution of decrees; judicial process; jurisdiction; land courts; legal ordinance; legislation; Polish language; sejmik;

Act published 385

Topics: court registers; court revenues; crimes and offenses; Declaration on Land Courts; delivery of judgments; execution of decrees; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; judicial officials; judicial procedures; jurisdiction;

Wednesday, 11 January 1792

No deliberations

Act published 386

Topics: border commissioners; constitution; estate rights; hereditary possession; land judges; official elections; sejm (parliament); sejmik (regional council); Temporary declaration;

Act published 387

Topics: civil-military commissions; commissioners' functions; Declaration; establishing the number of commissioners; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; new district division; order commissioners; sejmiks (local assemblies); term of office;

Act published 388

Topics: Declaration; Greater Poland Voivodeship; judiciary; jurisdiction; New Wschowa; police; Sejm (Diet); Suburbium (Podzamcze); town of Wschowa; urban rights;

Act published 389

Topics: Convocation Sejm Constitution; hereditary status; incorporation into cities; nobility; peasant status; personal freedom; popowicze; priests of the Eastern Rite; town and noble law; townspeople;

Act published 390

Topics: Basilian Fathers in Vladimir; contributions; Convent's insufficiency; maintenance fund; province of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; purchase of landed properties; teachers; Vladimir schools; Vladimir's Collegium of Basilian priests; youth education;

Friday, 13 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Ennoblement; Export of diplomats; Incorporation of Provost into Church; Military Inspection; Minister of Defense for Lithuania-Belarus; Public Schools; Regular Canons; Sejm Session; Tribunal Project;

Saturday, 14 January 1792

No deliberations

Act published 391

Topics: confederation of both nations; ennoblement; extension of deadline; issuance of diplomas; recommendation to marshals;

Act published 392

Topics: Consent of the Holy Apostolic See; Funds for public schools; Incorporation of the Rawa Parish Provost; Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Sepulchre; Oversight by the Educational Commission; Pastoral care; Purchase of church estates; Sale of the villages of Rzeczków and Orla Góra; Sejm Constitution.;

Act published 393

Topics: admission to nobility; border translator services; Polish nobility; Stanisław de Pichelsztein; without stamp duty;

Monday, 16 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Ad memoranda project readings; Bill on tribunals for the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Crown deputies' propositions for the unification of laws in the Commonwealth; Suspension of the Sejm session;

Tuesday, 17 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Anniversary Celebrations; Bill Project; Constitutional Deputation; Ignacy Potocki; Kazimierz Sapieha; Sejm Session; Stanisław August Poniatowski; Stanisław Małachowski; Tribunal Court for Crown Browiaks; Voting;

Thursday, 19 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: declarations on regional sejmiks and office distribution; Deputation; elections for various offices; legislative work; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Noble Estate; Project for the Organization of Jews; representatives from the Free Cities; Sejm resolutions; Tribunal Court for the Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania;

Friday, 20 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Celebration of the union of the Duchy of Siewierz with the Polish Republic; Honouring the government's act of May 5th; Matters of the Courland nobility and Peter Biron, Duke of Courland; Project concerning the erection of the Płock suffragan bishopric; Project of extending time for the Courland Deputation; Proposals on various subjects; Suspension of the Sejm session; Taking the oath of allegiance to the Polish Constitution;

Saturday, 21 January 1792

No deliberations

Act published 394

Topics: Competences of the tribunal court; Election of lay and ecclesiastical deputies; Election of tribunal officials and servants; Locations and sessions of tribunals; Number of deputies to constitute the tribunal; Oaths for various positions within the tribunal.; Organization of Tribunal Courts; Regional division of tribunal competencies; Remuneration and penalties for deputies; Responsibilities and duties of tribunal judges; Security and guards at tribunals; Structure and operation of the tribunal;

Act published 395

Topics: cases under the jurisdiction of the court; composition of the tribunal; duties and oaths of officials; duties of deputies; election of officials; judicial procedures; oaths of judicial officials; order protection; principles of judgment; reports to the guard; salaries; security and dignity of the courts; Tribunal; Vilnius;

Act published 396

Topics: Boundary Court; Civil-Military Commissioners; Deputy Chamberlains and Ensigns of Districts; Election of Deputies to the Tribunal; Elections to Elective Offices; Estate Sejmik; Inspectors of Starosties (Fiefdoms); Local Courts; Sejmiks (Local Assemblies);

Act published 397

Topics: Courland Interests; King; Opinion; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Prorogation of Deputation; Sejm; States' Decision;

Act published 398

Topics: Border Commissioners; Deputies Elections; Ecclesiastical Chapters; Election Alternation; Land Actuary Scribes; Land Judges; Local Sejmiks; Starosties Inspectors; Tribunal Clerks; Voivodeships and Counties;

Monday, 23 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: election of deputies to the Tribunal; examination of the Educational Commission; Jan Łuszczewski; Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; nomination of deputies; normal delineation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; project for the education of a new border pass; remissions for delineation; revision in the Holy Metrics; Sejm session; taxes and execution of debt-encumbered estates; Tomasz Wawrzecki's proposals; voting postponed;

Tuesday, 24 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Card Fee; Deliberative Projects; Domestic Factories; Fund Approval; Hospitals; Marshal of the Sejm; Monasteries; Police Commission; Sejm Secretary; Session Suspension;

Act published 399

Topics: delays in justice; demarcation of properties; Execution of remittances; King and consent of the estates; legal acts; legal provisions in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; limitation of taxation and excises; satisfaction of creditors;

Act published 400

Topics: Border commission; Citizens; Declaration; Deputies of the main tribunal; Deputies' rights; Election; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Sejmiks (local assemblies); Tribunal courts; Ziemstwo (local government) offices;

Wednesday, 25 January 1792

No deliberations

Act published 401

Topics: card factory in Warsaw; domestic industry; easing of obstacles for factories; national industry growth; playing cards; public treasury revenues; Sejm Acts; stamp duty reduction; tax manipulation; treasury commission;

Act published 402

Topics: border commissioners; Chernihiv Voivodeship; city of Lutsk; city of Zhytomyr; correcting legal errors; regional assemblies of the Kyiv Voivodeship; regional assemblies of the Volhynian Voivodeship; unification of assembly procedures;

Act published 403

Topics: Composition of the Deputation; Confederation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Deputation for Reviewing; Noble Representatives; Provinces of Little Poland, Lithuania, and Greater Poland; Report to the King and Sejm Estates; Review of Secret Sanctions; Senators and Deputies;

Act published 404

Topics: Approval of funds; Charitable foundations; Church and charity funds; Church hospitals; Dominican convents; Elżbieta Ebschelewiczowa; Jan Cichocki; Jan Klemens Branicki; Mikołaj Stefan Pac; Missionaries; Sisters of Mercy;

Thursday, 26 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Creation of a separate chancellery for the Minister of Security; Deadlines for liquidation procedures.; Edict regarding Jewish pledges; Funding for hospitalities of the police commission; Funding for the chancelleries of the Guard; Liquidation of capitals on pledges; Project for deputation to review established laws; Salaries for the metric officials of the Crown and Lithuania;

Friday, 27 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Crown Artillery General; Debates of Deputies; Disobedience to Law; Julian Niemcewicz's Proposal; King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Marshal of the Sejm and Polish-Ukrainian Confederation; Military Commission of Both Nations; Motion for Dismissal; Oath Violation; Sejm Resolution; Vice-Minister of Defense of Poland-Ukraine; Voting;

Saturday, 28 January 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Hugo Kołłątaj; Marshal of the Poland-Ukraine Confederation; Police Commission; printing of the Sejm's diary; public treasury costs; revenue from stamped paper; salaries for officials; Sejm session limit; suspension of the Sejm session; Treasury and Assessorial Commission;

Act published 405

Topics: Appointed Senators and Deputies; Confederation; Editing of Sejm Laws; Legal Contradictions; Legislative Efforts; Legislative Work Organization; Sejm Deputation;

Act published 406

Topics: Establishment of a fund; national treasury expenses; regulation of the guard chancery; royal law; salary for the guard chancery;

Act published 407

Topics: General Judicial Fund; Law; Legal acts; Salary comparison; Salary of the Crown Metricants; Salary of the Lithuanian Metricant; Sejm;

Act published 408

Topics: Extraordinary police expenses; Fund for officials; Police commission accounts; Police commission of both nations; Public funds management; Sejm (Parliament); Treasury commission of both nations;

Act published 409

Topics: chairman of the police commission; chancellery fund; marshal chairman of the police commission; national treasury; public finances; sejm; wages;

Act published 410

Topics: Calculation of kahal funds; Completion of liquidation by June 15, 1792; Duties of land courts; Judicial arrangements and liquidation deadlines; Procedures and legal regulations regarding indebtedness; Prohibition of kahals incurring debts; Publication of universals announcing liquidation; Regulation of Jewish debts; Suspension of decree executions;

Monday, 30 January 1792

No deliberations

Act published 411

Topics: abolition of field marshal batons; Declaration concerning military persons; dereliction of official duties; disobedience to orders; military commission of both nations; non-sworn officers; oath on the Constitution; Seweryn Rzewuski; Szczęsny Potocki; vacant Crown field marshal's baton;

Act published 412

Topics: Braslaw county; confederation of the Republic's estates; election of scribes; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; justice; Lida county; Nowogrodek county; royal declaration; tribunal court;

Tuesday, 31 January 1792

No deliberations

Act published 413

Topics: confederation of both nations; distribution of constitutions; King Stanisław Poniatowski; land chancelleries; Parliamentary service recommendation; printing costs; Sejm and crown confederation secretary; Sejm journal publication; Sejm Marshal; treasury commission of both nations;

Act published 414

Topics: Castellan; Deputy; Educational Commission; Examination; Knightly Estate; Marshal; Sejm; Senate; Standard Bearer; Sub-Stolnik;

Act published 415

Topics: 1790 deputation; Aleksander Linowski; Hugo Kołłątaj; Jewish reform; Józef Czartoryski; Karol Radziwiłł; knightly estate; municipal representatives; senate; Walenty Rzętkowski;

Act published 416

Topics: Election of treasury commissioners; Extension of the Sejm session; King and consent of the estates; Limitation of the Sejm's duration; Postponement of the election date; Request of terrestrial deputies;

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Serwisowi patronuje Stowarzyszenie Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego, działające pod patronatem Marszałka Sejmu RP.

Znani: literaci, malarze, muzycy, aktorzy, dziennikarze, odkrywcy, historycy, wojskowi, filozofowie, ludzie Kościoła, prawnicy, politycy: przedrozbiorowi, dziewiętnastowieczni, przedwojenni, powojenni, współcześni, parlamentarzyści II i III RP oraz PRL, uczeni (członkowie akademii nauk): nauk społecznych, nauk biologicznych, nauk ścisłych, nauk technicznych, nauk rolniczo-leśnych, nauk medycznych, nauk o ziemi

Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 17.06.2024.
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