M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Monday, 16 April 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Generals with Foreign Service Experience; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Negotiations in Dresden; Origin of Defense Initiatives; Project of Readiness for the Defense of the Republic; Project to Abolish Burdens Imposed by Uro: Paszkiewicz; Reports on Political Developments; Skartabellat Uro: Skórkowski; Treasury Commission of Both Nations;

Tuesday, 17 April 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Amendments and Improvements to the Project; Constitutional Deputation; Marshal of the Confederation of Poland-Ukraine Stanisław Małachowski; Royal Administration Project; Sejm Deputies; Sejm Session;

Act published 434

Topics: executive authority of the king; governmental laws; international negotiations; military affairs; national defense; national freedom; public finance and credits; readiness for defense; state security; treasury commission;

Act published 435

Topics: abolition of abuses; antiquity of the house and name Tołłokoński Paszkiewicz; charges against nobility; Conditions for the born; Daniel Tołłokoński Paszkiewicz; legal acts; privileges of the noble estate; request of the deputies of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; restoration to nobility; settlement and trade in Vilnius;

Act published 436

Topics: civic service; collection of parliamentary statutes; deputy from Lublin; embassy report; gratitude; Prince Adam Czartoryski; public interests of the Republic; Saxon elector;

Act published 437

Topics: deputy of Lublin; Dresden negotiations; emancipation of Daniel Skowroński; foreign minister; legal benefits; nobility; Prince Adam Czartoryski; scribe's rank; secretary;

Act published 438

Topics: appointment of deputies; burden on the country; defense projects; defensive expeditions; internal peace; Lithuanian province; Malopolska province; Military Commission; preparation for national defense; Wielkopolska province;

Thursday, 19 April 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Decision on Starosties; Disputes at the Sejmiks in Samogitia; Jurisdiction of the Land Courts; Marshal of the Polish-Ukrainian Confederation; Military Commission from the Constitutional Deputation; Project on the Arrangement of Starosties; Provincial and District Militia Project; Sejm Session;

Friday, 20 April 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Declaration Concerning Patronages; Deliberations; Deputies' Motions; Draft Bill; King Stanisław August Poniatowski’s Rights to Starosties; Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Payment of One Hundred Thousand Zlotys; Royal Estates; Sejm Session; Session Adjournment.;

Saturday, 21 April 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Confederation of Poland-Ukraine; foreign service officers; military; Military Commission of Both Nations; national defense; Order Commission; recruitment; Sejm session; session adjournment; Stanisław Małachowski; Temporary Declaration;

Act published 439

Topics: city magistrates; common defense; compensations and payments; defense of the Commonwealth; military; military commanders; orderly commissions; recruitment; requisitions; supply provisioning;

Act published 440

Topics: Cavalry; Foreign service; Infantry; King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Military quality improvement; Military ranks; Officer promotion; Officer recruitment; Placement of officers in the Commonwealth military;

Monday, 23 April 1792

Report from the session

Topics: adjournment of the session; amendments to the project; ius Patronatus; King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Marshal of the Poland-Ukraine Confederation; person of royal blood; Secretary Jan Łuszczewski; Sejm Project; Stanisław Małachowski; starosties (stewardships); treasury of the Commonwealth;

Tuesday, 24 April 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Adoption of Law; Constitutional Deputation; Marshal of the Poland-Ukraine Confederation - Stanisław Małachowski; Project of Eldership Presidium; Sejm Amendments; Sejm Secretary - Jan Łuszczewski; Sejm Session; Suspension of Session;

Act published 441

Topics: crown; financing from the Commonwealth's treasury; gratitude of the estates; ius patronatus; renunciation of royal prerogatives; royal cities; royal estates; starosties and royal estates converted into hereditary noble properties; welfare of the nation;

Thursday, 26 April 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Arrangement of royal properties; Bishop of Kyiv Ks. Kaspar Cieciszowski; Enlightenment of the people; Establishment of Roman Catholic parishes; Glory to God; Inspection of royal lands; Law on police commissioners; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Parish churches; Project in the Kyiv and Bracław voivodeships; Residence for priests; Salaries for parish priests; Sejm session;

Act published 442

Topics: civic duties and obligations; emphyteutic rights; fiscal payments; perpetual inheritances; preservation of rights; privileged lessees; property auctions; revenues of the Commonwealth; royal estates; sale of crown lands;

Friday, 27 April 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Adjournment of the Session; Judicial Processes between Towns and Starostas; Legislative Amendments; Military Estate (Etat); Onufry Kicki's Bill Proposal; Provincial Commission; Sejm's Consensus;

Saturday, 28 April 1792

No deliberations

Act published 443

Topics: Commissioners of the police commission; Confederation of estates; Establishment of police commission; Funding of the commission; Quarterly payments; Royal declaration; Salaries of commissioners; Sejm (Parliament); Treasury of both nations;

Act published 444

Topics: church endowment; construction and outfitting of the church; diocese of Kiev; Latin rite; noble inspector; parish school; Parochial churches; priest's residence; revenues from royal estates; treasury commission;

Monday, 30 April 1792

Report from the session

Topics: Amendments to the project; Comments by members of the Sejm; Constitutional Deputation; Final assembly meeting; Introduction of projects by members of the Sejm; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Project of the Military Commission of Both Nations;

Baza danych na stronach to drobny wycinek Wielkiej genealogii Minakowskiego, sięgającej średniowiecza, zawierającej ponad 1.200.000 osób nawzajem skoligaconych, w tym znaczną część sławnych Polaków wszystkich epok; więcej na ten temat na .
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Serwisowi patronuje Stowarzyszenie Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego, działające pod patronatem Marszałka Sejmu RP.

Znani: literaci, malarze, muzycy, aktorzy, dziennikarze, odkrywcy, historycy, wojskowi, filozofowie, ludzie Kościoła, prawnicy, politycy: przedrozbiorowi, dziewiętnastowieczni, przedwojenni, powojenni, współcześni, parlamentarzyści II i III RP oraz PRL, uczeni (członkowie akademii nauk): nauk społecznych, nauk biologicznych, nauk ścisłych, nauk technicznych, nauk rolniczo-leśnych, nauk medycznych, nauk o ziemi

Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 25.09.2024.
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