M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Dziennik posiedzeń i ustaw Sejmu Wielkiego (1788-1792)
w tłumaczeniu na język i realia ludzi urodzonych w XXI wieku

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środa, 8 czerwca 1791 « czwartek, 9 czerwca 1791 » piątek, 10 czerwca 1791

Relacja z obrad

Językiem polskiego studenta

Na dzisiejszym posiedzeniu marszałek Sejmu z Polski-Ukrainy, Stanisław Małachowski, rozpoczął obrady od przedyskutowania kwestii skarbowych na podstawie opinii Komisji Skarbu Litwy-Białorusi.

W pierwszych wystąpieniach podniesiono kwestię sędziów Sejmowych, których wybrane osoby złożyły przysięgi. Poseł Antoni Karski z Sandomierza zażądał rozpatrzenia skargi Pana Ożarowskiego dotyczącej Komisji Skarbowej, a Celestyn Sokolnicki z Poznania zaapelował o podjęcie działań w kwestii starostw oraz o rozważenie wydatków państwa.

Dyskusja zdominowana była przez kwestie ekonomiczne, w tym problem starostw i ich wpływu na finanse Unii. Marszałek Sejmu Stanisław Małachowski oraz sekretarz Jan Łuszczewski zaprezentowali projekty mające na celu rewizję systemu starostw.

Ważnym elementem było również przyjęcie propozycji dotyczącej wynagrodzenia dla prawników pracujących nad projektami ustawowymi, co stwierdził także Senator Symeon Szydłowski z Żarnowa.

Głosy zebranych posłów, w tym Stanisława Wojczyńskiego z Rawy Mazowieckiej czy Jana Nosarzewskiego z Ciechanowa, eksponowały różnice poglądów na temat gospodarowania majątkiem narodowym, reformy skarbowe i przyszłości Zakonu Maltańskiego, których pomysłodawcy pragnęli przekierować jego dochody do publicznego skarbca.

Interwencje senatorów i posłów akcentowały również konieczność zachowania sprawiedliwości i właściwej procedury przy podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących majątków narodowych i skarbu państwa, przy czym szczególny nacisk położono na sprawę starostw.

Parlament zatwierdzał skrupulatnie wnioski dotyczące proponowanych zmian, w tym wyznaczenie deputacji mającej za zadanie zorganizowanie przychodów skarbu.

Ostatecznie, zdecydowano o powołaniu specjalnej deputacji, do której należeli znaczący przedstawiciele Unii, w tym Prot Potocki z Kijowa czy Józef Zajączek z Podola, mających za zadanie przedstawić projekt reformy starostw.

Zgoda została także wyrażona na wypłatę zaległych sum dla Pana Fryzesa. Wskazano tu na rolę Króla Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego, który poparł zwrot kosztów tym, którzy zastępowali Skarb swoimi środkami.

Sesja Parlamentu została zakończona z zapowiedzią kontynuacji obrad w następnym dniu.

American student's style

Speaker of the House Mr. Stanisław Małachowski commenced today's session by stressing the importance of orderly management of fiscal affairs. With the opinions on Crown Treasury regarding stewardship lands and leaseholds concluded, it was time to address similar recommendations from the Lithuanian-Belarusian Treasury Commission.

Late arrivals among the newly elected Judges of the Congress who had not been present previously were then sworn into their official duties.

Representative Antoni Karski from the Sandomierz state - acting upon his state's instructions - demanded an examination of Mr. Ożarowski's complaint against the Treasury Commission's Judiciary precede the reading of other materials. He also advocated for Mr. Ożarowski's case to be fast-tracked for review.

Representative Celestyn Sokolnicki from the Poznań state voiced a return to the aforementioned issue posed by Laski, calling for the appointment of a task force consisting of enlightened individuals who would present their proposal to the Houses regarding Stewardship. He spoke against imposing limits until the Union's more pressing needs are addressed and requested the revenue and expenditure statement of the Treasury to be read.

Speaker Mr. Stanisław Małachowski expressed his gratification that Representative Sokolnicki had preempted his own thoughts. Having seen the necessity, he had drafted a proposal regarding the task force, which he intended to read to the Honorable Confederation but hesitated. Mr. Małachowski chose instead to read a note from the Treasury Commission.

Secretary Mr. Jan Łuszczewski read the note, which provided a detailed account of revenue and expenditures.

Representative Stanisław Wojczyński from the Rawicz county advised to back our good fortunes with finances and military might. He noted that several stewardships were nibbled away during the years 1768 and 1775. He proposed to refrain from selling these as hereditary positions but to lease them for 40 years, fostering economic growth in such lands. He called for the task force of the former Cavalry Squadron to swiftly perform its duties and present their findings to the Houses for decision.

Senator Szymon Szydłowski from the Żarnów county kindly requested Speaker Małachowski to summon the elected Judges of the Congress who were present to fulfill their oath – to amply manage the duties of their office.

Representative Kajetan Hryniewiecki from the Lublin state - having been asked several times why the Equitation Delegation had yet to complete its work - explained that the delegation couldn't complete its task due to the delayed arrival of Tariffs from the Polish-Ukrainian states. He highlighted the need for the Secretariat to be paid and employed from September 1st onwards, as they received no rewards for their work.

Representative Ignacy Zakrzewski from the Poznań state called for complete knowledge of revenue sources and the need to draw from all potential revenues to increase resources. He backed the support for the members working in the task force and suggested that they receive their rightful and just compensation.

Representative Ignacy Krzucki from the Volhynia state expressed he didn't oppose rewarding the workers, aligning with the notion that people do work; however, he wished for the work's result to be presented to the Houses. He pointed out the downside of delaying project proposals by the task force, which results in the clergy and the nobility suffering financially and being wronged with taxation.

Representative Mateusz Butrymowicz from the Pińsk state, agreeing on the reward for the subalterns, argued that the delegation should be held accountable, not its members. Thus, he urged that the subalterns be compensated and their dues paid. He further endorsed similar treatment for Mr. Fryze to receive what he was owed.

Speaker Małachowski then proposed to consider Mr. Fryze's case on an individual basis.

Representative Albin Skórkowski from the Sandomierz state supported the reward but emphasized the necessity of order. Given the numerous complaints from citizens about the Commission, he urged Speaker Małachowski to address those concerns following the completion of the current project with regards to the opinions of the Treasury Commission.

After some discussion, it was agreed to pay the sums due to the members of the task force.

Representative Antoni Madaliński from the Gniezno state first suggested increasing the treasury's income before expending it. He presented a project by the Poznań state's representative concerning stewardships and asked for its reading.

The Secretary Mr. Jan Łuszczewski read the project, proposing that all patrimonial lands of the Union be possessed in a manorial manner and sold to the highest bidders through auction.

Speaker Małachowski remarked that the zeal of the representatives from Wielkopolska provided a method for increasing revenue by selling Stewardship positions. He noted that such a measure could not be implemented immediately as it required careful contemplation.

Representative Stanisław Wojczyński from the Rawicz county insisted on reading his project, which set forth a task force for the reorganization of Stewardship lands.

Secretary Mr. Jan Łuszczewski read the project before the Speaker of the House Mr. Małachowski asked for a consensus. Representative Ignacy Krzucki from the Volhynia state requested a second reading of the project for better understanding, to which Secretary Łuszczewski complied.

Representative Ignacy Chomiński from the Vilnius state agreed with the proposal but demanded that all representatives should convene to decide on the project concerning Stewardships.

Representative Stanisław Sołtyk from the Krakow state declared that he would not consent to any taxes until all possible sources of revenue had been identified to increase the treasury. He observed that of the many project proposals on the issue, only one seemed adequately formulated. When it came to Stewardships, he suggested that border cases be suspended until a final decision on Stewardships is reached.

Representative Tomasz Wawrzecki from the Braslaw state advocated oversight by the judiciary on border affairs and suggested assignments for procurators to ensure the Union did not suffer losses. He opposed the delay of justice, arguing that postponing decisions would be unjust and dangerous, potentially tarnishing the repute of an otherwise honorable Congress.

The session concluded with the reading of a project by Representative Stanisław Wojczyński from the Rawicz county, proposing that Stewardships be leased out competitively for 40 years (per plus).

Representative Jan Nosarzewski from the Ciechanów state gave an impassioned speech, imploring his peers to cast aside personal interests for the good of the country. He cited Prussian King Frederick II's assertion on the importance of financial resources for a nation's welfare and criticized the slow progress in establishing a national bank and reforming Stewardships. He also vehemently opposed foreign expenditures and Stewardship privileges, calling for the abolition of the Knights of Malta and enforcement of laws to curb luxury spending.

King Stanisław August Poniatowski, in his address, referenced the notion that the same laws can have varied effects depending on the time. He warned against excessive frugality and monoculturism that might lead to greater losses. He defended the right to bestow orders, which he said neither undermines equality nor should it spark envy, as it cannot grant wealth, only honor. The King underscored the need to carefully reconsider Starosties, to not harm thousands, citing a nearby nation's failures as a result of radical equality efforts.

The session ended with the approval of proposals extending deadlines for legal affairs and compensating individuals like Mr. Fryze for his financial guarantee to the Treasury. Lastly, a task force was appointed to plan for the Treasury's income, considering the diverse opinions presented.

The Congress is set to resume the following day.

Osoby wymienione

Mateusz Butrymowicz, poseł z Pińska (1788-1792), podstarosta z Pińska, miecznik z Pińska (geneal.); Jan Nepomucen Chojecki, poseł z Kijowa (1790-1792), wojski wyższy (geneal.); Fabian Cholewski, poseł z Różana (1788-1792), sędzia ziemski z Sochaczewa (geneal.); Ignacy Chomiński, poseł z Oszmiany (1790-1792), sędzia ziemski z Oszmiany (geneal.); Zygmunt Grabowski, poseł z Wołkowyska (1790-1792), krajczy Litwy-Białorusi (geneal.); Franciszek Grocholski, poseł z Bracławia (1788-1792), miecznik Polski-Ukrainy (geneal.); Fryderyk II Hohenzollern, król Prus (geneal.); Kajetan Hryniewiecki, senator wojewoda z Lublina (1782-1795) (geneal.); Antoni Karski, poseł z Sandomierza (1788-1792), łowczy z Sandomierza (geneal.); Józef Kociełł, poseł z Oszmiany (1788-1792), pułkownik wojsk Litwy-Białorusi (geneal.); Tadeusz Korsak, poseł z Wilna (1790-1792), sędzia ziemski z Wilna (geneal.); Ignacy Krzucki, poseł z Wołynia (1790-1792), towarzysz kawalerii narodowej (geneal.); Antoni Madaliński, poseł z Gniezna (1788-1792), pułkownik k.b.m. (geneal.); Stanisław Małachowski, poseł z Sandomierza (1788-1792), referendarz wielki Polski-Ukrainy, marszałek Sejmu marszałek konfederacji Polski-Ukrainy (geneal.); Fryderyk Moszyński, poseł z Bracławia (1788-1792), sekretarz wielki Litwy-Białorusi (geneal.); Jan Nosarzewski, poseł z Ciechanowa (1788-1792), sędzia ziemski z Ciechanowa (geneal.);
Kazimierz Konstanty Plater, senator kasztelan z Trok (1790-1793) (geneal.); Stanisław August Poniatowski, król/prezydent Unii Polski-Ukrainy i Litwy-Białorusi z Łotwą (geneal.); Prot Potocki, senator wojewoda z Kijowa (1791-1795), starosta z Guzowa (geneal.); Walenty Rzętkowski, poseł z Gostynina (1790-1792), podczaszy z Gostynina (geneal.); Antoni Siarczyński, sekretarz sejmu i konfederacji koronnej (geneal.); Kazimierz Albin Skórkowski, poseł z Sandomierza (1788-1792) (geneal.); Walenty Sobolewski, senator kasztelan z Czerska (1791-1795), podkomorzy z Warszawy (geneal.); Celestyn Sokolnicki, poseł z Poznania (1788-1792), stolnik z Poznania (geneal.); Stanisław Sołtyk, poseł z Krakowa (1790-1792), podstoli Polski-Ukrainy (geneal.); Michał Strasz, poseł z Sandomierza (1788-1792), podsędek ziemski z Radomia (geneal.); Symeon Kazimierz Szydłowski, senator kasztelan z Żarnowa (1772-1795) (geneal.); Tomasz Wawrzecki, poseł z Brasławia (1788-1791), wiceminister skarbu Litwy-Białorusi (1791-1795), podkomorzy z Kowna, chorąży Litwy-Białorusi (geneal.); Stanisław Wojczyński, poseł z Rawy Mazowieckiej (1790-1792), chorąży z Białej Rawskiej (geneal.); Józef Zajączek, poseł z Podola (1790-1792), pułkownik wojsk Polski-Ukrainy (geneal.); Ignacy Zakrzewski, poseł z Poznania (1788-1792), stolnik z Poznania, chorąży z Poznania (geneal.); Michał Zenowicz, poseł z Połocka (1790-1792), syn podkomorzego z Połocka (geneal.);

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Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 12.06.2024.
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